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Important note: Rhizotron measurements made with a software designed for washed root measurement. We now have software especially made for rhizotron measurement (WinRHIZO Tron & Tron MF)
Bouma Tjeerd J., Kai L. Nielsen and Bas Koutstaal. Sample preparation and scanning protocol for computerised analysis of root length and diameter. 2000. Plant and Soil, Vol. 218, pp. 185-196.
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Francesco Chianucci, Andrea Cutini. Estimation of canopy properties in deciduous forests with digital hemispherical and cover photography. Elsevier (Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 168 (2013) 130-139)
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WinFOLIA |  |
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WinSEEDLE |  |
R.C. Bautista, T.J. Siebenmorgen, and P.A. Counce. 2009. Rice Kernel Chalkiness and Milling Quality Relationship of Selected Cultivars. AAES Research Series 581. B.R. Wells Rice Research Studies 2009 pp. 220-229.
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WinCELL |  |
Wisniewska K. & Silhan K. Quantitative anatomy or macroscopic parameters of compression wood of Piecea abis (L.) H. Karst.? Defining the optimal parameters for dendrogeomorphic purposes. IAWA Journal 44 (1), 2023: 21-35.
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WinCAM NDVI |  |
C. Gazzano, S.E. Favero-Longo, E. Matteucci and R. Piervittori. Image analysis for measuring lichen colonization on and within stonework. The Lichenlogist 41(3): 299-313 (2009).
Jansson Tomas. Estimation of reindeer lichen biomass by image analysis. SLU - Institutionen för skogens ekologi och skötsel. ISSN 1654-1898 (Umea 2012)
Sivritepe H. Ozkan, Nuray Sivritepe, Atilla Eris, Ece Turhan. 2005. The effects of NaC1 pre-treatments on salt tolerance of melons grown under long-term salinity. Scientia Horticulturae 106 (2005) 568-581.
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