WinSEEDLE Analysis System for seeds and needles
Image Analysis for Plant Science
Regent Instruments Inc. since 1991





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WinSEEDLE is an image analysis system for needles and seeds morphology and diseases analysis.

It comprises hardware for image acquisition (scanner and accessories) and a computer program, WinSEEDLE, specifically designed for seeds and needles analysis (area, morphology and diseases analysis). Different configurations are offered in function of measurements, speed, accuracy and cost.

The WinSEEDLE software program is very easy to use. To get an image from a scanner, simply click the scanner icon and specify the scan area size. After the scan, the image is displayed in WinSEEDLE's Image area, ready to be analysed. A simple click on the image is all that is required for basic analyses (like seedles area, length and width). More complex analyses (color analysis) require a few other clicks.

The WinSEEDLE software program is available in two versions; Reg and Pro. Their measurements and features are listed in the tables below.


Automatic Seedle count
The number of valid seedles in the analysed region. They must not touch each other.
Projected area (Total, Average & Individual)
Seedles area projected on a 2D plan (the scanner glass).
Straight length (Individual & average)
Length measured from end to end in a straight line.
Curved length (Individual & average)
Length measured from end to end following the seedle center.
Maximum width (Individual & average)
Largest width measured perpendicular to length (straight and curved).
Length/Width ratio
Ratio of seedles' length to width.
Seedles' position in the image.
Perimeter (Individual & average)
Seedles perimeter measured on the 2D projected area on the scanner glass.
Form Coefficient (Individual & average)
Seedles form coefficient measured on the 2D projected area on the scanner glass. It is a numerical value which grade the leaf shape between circular (shortest perimeter for a given area) and filliform (longest perimeter for a given area).
Curvature (Individual & average)
A number that quantifies how strongly seedles diverge from a straight line.
Surface area (Individual & average)
3D area (skin area) estimated from projected area and shape with 5 different three dimensional models.
Volume (Individual & average)
Volume estimated from projected area and shape with 4 different three dimensional models.
Interactive manual and semi-automatic lengths
To manually or semi-automaticaly measure any object (interactively).
Manual objects counter
To manually count objects by clicking them.
Color analysis (area quantification per color)
For disease quantification, debris filtering and an alternative method of seedles distinction from background.
Seedles color classification
Classify seedles into groups based on areas of colors present on them (using different adjustable criteria).
XLSeedle software
For data produced by WinSEEDLE visualisation and analysis in Excel.
Defects and debris automatic filtering
Based on different criteria (area, morphology and for the Pro version color).
Measurements visible over the images
Lines indicates where and how length, width, perimeter… were measured.
Corrections can be done by the operator
By adjusting analysis settings or manually rejecting seedles.
Rectangular Analysed and Exclusion Regions
Choose the region of the image to analyse or exclude it (rectangular form).
Circular and Free Style Analysed and Exclusion Regions
Choose the region of the image to analyse or exclude it (circular or irregular shape).
Pre-defined set of analysed regions
Automatically create analysed regions at specific vertical positions in the image.
Batch analysis
Analyse images in lots without operator supervision.
Image edition
Removes artefacts, debris or defects.
Multiple documents
Analyse up to 16 samples simultaneously in different WinSEEDLE's main window.
Histogram of seedles distribution
Displays seedles distribution in function of different morphological data (area, length, width…).
Histogram of color areas distribution
Displays area distribution in function of color.
Automatic Background detection based on color
For images acquired with a camera when background doesn't cover the whole image.


XLSeedle is a companion software program to WinSEEDLE. It is made to organise and visualize data produced by WinSEEDLE. It is a set of macros that runs in Excel (not included). These macros add a menu (named XLSeedle) to Excel's menus. The latter contains commands to process WinSEEDLE data and create graphics very easily. Excel's standard commands remain available allowing you to do your own processings and graphics.