WinDENDRO, an image analysis system for annual tree-rings analysis
Image Analysis for Plant Science
Regent Instruments Inc. since 1991





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An Image Analysis System for Tree-rings Analysis

WinDENDRO has been specifically designed for dendrometrists and dendrochronologists looking for a precise and efficient way to measure annual tree-ring widths and other related parameters (minimum, maximum and average density, earlywood width and more).


WinDENDRO can analyse tree-rings from wood disks, cores, X-ray films and images produced by filmless digital X-ray systems. The above scanners are for illustration purpose, they do not correspond to models sold with WinDENDRO.


WinDENDRO is offered as a complete system or software alone. Its hardware components goes from low cost (but precise) to faster and more precise high-end models. The WinDENDRO software on its side is offered in three versions differing in functionality and costs.

In comparison to manual measurement systems, WinDENDRO offers advantages from different points of view. Productivity gain, operator comfort, images archiving with or without their analysis, a working method that encourages and facilitates verifications (such as comparison with master series during measurements) and easy commands to move back and forth along an analysed sample (without mechanical delays or backlash).

Since its introduction WinDENDRO has been updated regularly to make it on par with technological advances in image acquisition hardware (scanners and digital cameras), computers, operating systems and image analysis. It also has evolved based on suggestions from its large base of experienced users. It is a mature and robust system that has made its proofs in many laboratories worldwide as can be seen from the hundreds of publications made with it (some are listed on our References page).

The optical scanner can be shared with other REGENT's applications:

  • WinRHIZO for root measurement
  • WinFOLIA for leaf analysis
  • WinSEEDLE for seed and needle analysis
  • or other applications like documents or photo scanning