WinDENDRO Most recent version, tree-ring measurement, stem and wood density analysis
Image Analysis for Plant Science
Regent Instruments Inc.  





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WinDENDRO is regularly updated. Owners are invited to visit this web page regularly for news about updates with the features list. For questions, please contact our sales department at
Most recent update: 2025a

WinDENDRO 2025a

Release date: 10 January 2025

  • New Basic version at lower cost (but with less features).

Reg version:

  • Earlywood and latewood widths are now as precise as the Density version (the Intensity profile is now more precise).

Reg & Density versions:

  • When saving Ref2 data (reference series) to a file, space characters in the series name are replaced by underscore (_). Space were causing problems at loading.

Density version:

  • Density/Density Analysis (on/off) is gone. Density analysis is always on (with no calibration by default) for more precise earlywood and latewood widths measurements.
  • Density/Light Calibration Parameters: Light Calibration: None renamed Off. The displayed calibration curve is now a straight line when it is off

Bug fix:

  • Crash when converting a WinDENDRO data file to Decadal format containing PROFILE data.
WinDENDRO 2024a

Release date: 10 February 2024

  • WinDENDRO 64-bit can now acquire images from the STD4800 scanner.
  • Supports for LA 5th generation (13).
  • Ring Density, Blue Reflectance or Intensity profile (visible in the Profile Areas) can now be saved in Ring Based data files (same file as ring width, earlywood width, min density...). Pixel Based data files have been removed. XLSTEM (now free with WinDENDRO) can be used to reorganise those data on a ring basis (one line with all profile pixel values per ring).
  • 48 bits color support added.
    • Can now scan 48 bits color images.
    • Image pixels values under mouse cursor displays 48 bits info for 48 bit color images.
  • There are now 2 types of gaps: Skip Gaps as in earlier versions (created with Path/Gap/Define) and Shift Gaps (those created by pressing shift key while creating a new segment). The latter makes the displacement on cores or disks easier.
  • It is now possible to move the Earlywood-Latewood boundary across path segments.
  • Command Area data are more detailed, better displayed and handle larger font sizes. User has more control over which data are displayed. It is also more similar to other Regent's products.
  • Beginner Mode removed.
  • A new Calibration function so that user can calibrate a scanner (and produce a file).
  • Virtual Density Slit now starts on path at first ring angle instead of perpendicular to path. Very minor positive effect on density data of the first ring.
  • French version improved (more complete and revised).

Basic version:

  • More paths can be created.
WinDENDRO 2022c

Release date: 22 March 2023

Contact us to get your free update (for owners of versions 2022a and b).

Bug fix:

  • Fixes a problem of data not saved to data file after an analysed image was loaded (bug was present in version 2022b).
  • If four or five Ring Features were defined, deleted or modified for a ring on a horizontal path, only three of them were visible or updated after activating Ring/Features/Comments/... menu commands.
WinDENDRO 2022b

Release date: 02 Feb 2023

Bug fix:

  • Fixes minor bugs in 2022a.
WinDENDRO 2022a

Release date: 01 June 2022

All versions:

  • Can scan larger images, up to the limit of our LA scanners.
  • Can now open PNG image files.
  • LA2400 Scanner 3rd Generation: Now works with TWAIN driver versions 6.5 (previous versions required 6.2.
  • LA2400 Scanners: The focus position can be modified (on the glass or above it).
  • The image brightness can be increased or decreased.
  • The image contrasts can be increased or decreased.
  • Scanning can be done in portrait (vertical image as before) or landscape (horizontal image).
  • STD Scanner: An alternative light type can be selected. It enhances object's texture and 3D details.
  • No longer supports for the. 4990 scanner model

Bug fix:

  • No more crash or exit when TWAIN driver won't scan because image is too large.
  • LA2400 3rd Generation TWAIN: The scan area horizontal offset is more precise.
WinDENDRO 2021b

WinDENDRO 2021b

Release date: 01 September 2021

All versions:

  • Image/Save Image (with Analysis...) now sets WinDENDRO's Document Window Name to the saved image name.
  • Save Image After Analysis (in Analysis/Analysis Preferences) no longer asks for a name. It appends _An to the current image name if it is analysed or _NoAn if it is not. If the image was just acquired from a scanner it does not have a name, so Image_000N, where 000N is a number, is used instead. The number is incremented by 1 at each saving (so it starts with Image_0001, then Image_0002 and so on).
  • No longer supports de old 4990 scanner.

Bug fix:

  • Data file conversion from WinDENDRO to Decadal format: The sample name had one more character than allowed (9 instead of 8) in the sample name field. Bug present only in WinDENDRO 2021a.
  • LA2400 3rd Generation TWAIN: The scan area size and offsets were smaller than asked. Bug present in all versions before. Tested to work with TWAIN driver versions 6.2 and 6.5.

64-bit versions:

  • Can read more BigTIFF large files (over 2GB).
WinDENDRO 2021a

Release date: 10 December 2020


Reg & Density versions:

  • Multiple documents are now supported meaning the user can work on more than one measurement window. Each window contains its own image, ring paths and data file. The Ring Width Graphic can display the ring width series of the active Window or all Windows.

All versions:

  • Can now open TIFF "compressed" and JPEG 2000 image files.
  • Delete Gap works better and is more precise.
  • Can save Ring Width data in Decadal (Tucson) format directly.
  • Data/Decadal Format command removed. The Decadal Sentinel Marker selection is now in Data/Data Saving Options.
  • REF2 files can be converted to decadal format using Data/WinDENDRO to Decadal File Conversion.
  • Instead of specifying the year of last ring it is now possible to specify the year of the first ring when creating paths. (Note: incompatible with WinSTEM).
  • Ring # and Year are better displayed on horizontal paths and works better with larger fonts.
  • ijl15.lib no longer required
  • Path Identification is no longer supported in Decadal format.

Density version:

  • The Itrax version no longer exists. All Itrax features are now in the Density version.
  • Density analysis is slightly more precise.
  • Memory Economy Mode of the Blue Reflectance Method is gone.
  • When calibrating while the Blue Reflectance Method is active, the steps calibration titles now refers to Reflectance value instead of Density value.

64-bit versions:

  • Can load, save and analyse uncompressed tiff images larger than 4GBytes (BigTIFF)
  • Can read Exif and GPS tags in JPEG files.

Density version Bug Fix:

  • A crash when doing density analysis on 16-bit grey levels images.
  • Wrong density data on 16-bit grey levels images.
WinDENDRO 2019b

WinDENDRO 2019b Itrax version only

Release date: 05 March2019

  • Chemical elements data can be measured per ring and saved in Ring Based data files. These includes for each element present in the Image/Text file:
             • Maximum value
             • Minimum value
             • Average value

    Display/Chemical Elements command:
             • Has 28 Extra elements (from 4).
             • The name of Extra elements’ found in the txt file are displayed (instead of Ex1, Ex2…).
             • Allows to choose which chemical elements data are saved in Ring Based data files.
             • The Maximum value for all chemical elements is now for all those selected for display (instead of all elements present in the txt file).
             • The Maximum value for all chemical elements is now displayed in the upper right corner.

    • Can handle files with Oxides data.

    • Can analyse images scanned in the horizontal direction. The chemical elements are displayed in the Horizontal Profile Area above the image.

    • The Maximum value of the Chemical elements data is displayed in the Profile Areas.
  • Bug Fix

    • Wrong data displayed for some elements after emtpy columns data.

WinDENDRO 2019b Basic version only

Release date: 17 Feb 2020

  • Bug Fix: Crash when clicking Ok in Display/Image Area.


WinDENDRO 2019a

Release date: 20 August 2018

  • New driverless protection keys (no more need to install protection key drivers). The key also now contains the WinDENDRO programs for distribution (not for execution).
  • Keyboard shortcuts have been added:
    • Ctrl + T to switch to path Tracing working mode.
    • Ctrl + V to switch to path Validating working mode.
    • Ctrl + E to switch to image Edition working mode.
    • Ctrl + M to switch to image temporary Markers working mode.
    • Ctrl O to Open a new document (Acquire an image from disk or scanner).
    • Ctrl S to Save the image.
    • Ctrl I to activate the Image/Display Image Area menu command.
    • Ctrl G to activate the Path/Gap/Define menu command.
  • Lines drawn over the image can be drawn thicker (user selectable thickness). These are the lines used to identify: Paths, Ring, Earlywood boundaries, Compression, Void, Markers and Log Regions boundaries, Density Step calibration, Regent’s Calibration Target detected and size Scale.
  • Color channel change is a thousand times faster.
  • Scale image for cell level resolution ring detection (for WinCELL ring analysis).

64-bit version:

  • Can now load images larger than 3GBytes.

Bugs Fixes:

  • A crash which occured when defining a gap: 1) while one or more rings were highlighted and 2) on a single segment path.
WinDENDRO 2017a

Release date: 22 March 2017

  • Better automatic ring detection for deciduous species (3 new detection methods added).
  • More precise automatic ring position estimation for the Intensity difference detection method and more precise peaks position identification in the Profile areas.
  • Gaps (wood cracked areas) are now defined more easily (simply outline or trace them) and can now include paths beginning or ending. They can also be defined on more than one path at a time (instead of just the active path). Useful for disks without pith (hole in disk) to avoid measuring the distance from the clicked disk center to first ring.
  • Gap, Void and Compression areas can now have 3 possible shapes, rectangular, circular and free style (made with lasso tool) selectable from the new shape selectors in the Command area.
  • New command to recreate paths by the beginnings and endings clicked positions (rather then simply recreating a previous path identically). This allows to try different ring detection methods or parameters on the same path.
  • New (optional) Adaptative Sensitivity Selector, which can modify its sensitivity in function of position on a path to allow for more ring detection toward bark (where rings are typically narrower and less contrasted).
  • Rings that matches a criteria can be highlighted (drawn a different color) so that they can be easily seen by the operator. The criteria can be selected among: 1) Ring Width, 2) Ring Number, 3) Ring Angle, 4) Ring Minimum Density, 5) Ring Maximum Density, 6) Ring Average Density, 7) Earlywood Width, 8) Earlywood Average Density, 9) Late wood Width and 10) Latewood Average Density.

Interface & Interactive commands modifications:

  • “Ring/Estimate Missing Ring to Pith” now works on segments other than the first.
  • A group of rings can be reoriented simultaneously with keyboard keys (previously it worked only for one ring at a time).
  • In path creation mode, a path is activated instead of starting tracing a new segment if user clicks inside an existing segment.
  • The active path can be moved with the mouse or keyboard keys in Path Creation mode (was in Image edition mode before).
  • Notion of active segment and node added. In path creation mode, if users clicks an active path, the clicked segment and its ending are activated. The Active segment is bolder and the active node has a circle. Segments (of the active path) can also be activated (in descending order) by pressing the tab and shift keys.
  • WinDENDRO will restore the last used Profile Areas display status (on/off) and width when it is launched (unless user selects Default Settings).
  • More icons (Working modes) have been increased in size and redesigned.
  • More information are displayed in the Command area when the mouse cursor is over a ring and the user can select which data are written or not.
  • A Ring is highlighted and information about it is displayed in the Command area only in Path edition mode.
  • The Display/Profile Area command is the same for all detection methods.
  • Ring/Detection Parameters has been renamed Ring/Detection.

Bugs Fixes:

  • Basic version: Conversion to Decadal format now works.
  • Print Whole Image when magnification is not 1 now works (Paths and Profile areas were not drawn at good scale).
  • Rare: Some rings oriented horizontally on horizontal paths.
WinDENDRO 2016a

Release date: 18 May 2016

  • This is the first WinDENDRO version made and tested under Windows 10.
  • In the Welcome screen at startup, the user can choose:
    1) to use same settings as last work session or default settings. When Default is selected he can also choose:
    • Those for images acquired with a Scanner or a camera.
    • The type of analysis: a) Ring width, b) Density on X-Ray flims or c) Blue Reflectance.
    • The type of samples: a) Disks or b) Cores.
    2) He can also choose a Beginner mode which has a simplified interface.

  • A new menu called Analysis. Some commands have been moved to it and while others are new.
  • Void and Compression measurements are 2 to 50 times faster. The coarseness (resolution) of these regions is also user selectable, allowing a trade-off between spatial precision and analysis speed.
  • Text size can be set separately for the Command and Image areas.
  • A Scale can be drawn in the Image area to show the relative size of the image content.
  • The Command area:
    • Is wider at startup to allow the display of more information and data.
    • Some of its Icons are larger (which makes their use more easy on tablet or small screens).
    • User has more control over the information written there using a new command or Right clicking the Command area.
  • When loading an analysed image, it won't ask to calibrate the reflectance steps if Light Calibration is set to After Acquisition in Density/Light Calibration Parameters and will use the one of the analysed tiff image file.
  • When reference series are created (with Graphic/Create Reference Series From), the user can choose the beginning and ending years.
  • Paths can be moved after they have been created.
  • Calibration/Pixel Size Method has been redesigned and has new features:
    • It no more has the option of 1 vs 2 images (it is always 1).
    • New Calibration won't load an image, it will use the image displayed in the Main window for calibration (the change only affect when Regent targets are not used).
  • Some menus and their commands have been redesigned (minor modifications).
  • Settings are no more saved in tiff file when image is saved before analysis.

Bug Fix:

  • WinDENDRO's Main window not visible at startup in rare situations (easy to overcome by using default settings at startup).
WinDENDRO 2014e

Release date: 19 May 2016

  • Bug fix in Ring/Estimate Missing Rings to Pith.
WinDENDRO 2014d

Release date: 17 August 2015

  • Ring angle written in Command area is in radians (like in data files).
  • No more support older cfg files.
  • Note: Welcome screen says it is a c. User should look at folder.
WinDENDRO 2014c

Release date: 30 June 2015

  • Paths can be moved (after they have been created).
  • When reference series are created (Graphic/Create Reference Series From), user can choose beginning and ending years.
  • When importing paths, those present on screen are no more deleted.
WinDENDRO 2014b

Release date: 09 June 2015

32-bit & 64-bit versions

  • Compatible with Regent's STD scanner of third generation.
  • Bug fix:
    • Earlywood width was not measured correctly when the Blue reflectance method was active.

64-bit version

  • It can now load and save jpg image files.
  • It can now acquire images from 64-bit TWAIN sources (not from 32-bit TWAIN sources).
WinDENDRO 2014a  

Release date: December 2014

  • Calibration Targets (step wedges) for use with WinDENDROÕs implementaion of the blue reflectance density surrogate method. These are available as an option to WinDENDRO Density.
  • Density Calibration Steps can be moved after they have been defined (to avoid dust of defect particles on the calibration target).
  • Year of rings can be changed when loading an analysed image (interactively or in batch).
  • Analysed images can be saved in older 2012 and 2009 formats (to allow exchange of analysed files with those versions). This works as long as features present in the 2014 versions but not in the older versions are not used (such as the blue method which was added after 2009) and that previous limitations (such as the maximum number of paths) are not exceeded.
  • It can load WinDENDRO cfg files made with versions 2009 to 2012 (unlike older versions which could only read those made by the same version).
  • Calibration with the Object of known size method can be done in one or two directions (previous versions required two).
  • The TWAIN code has been updated for new scanners.
  • Options have been added to Regent’s Simple Scanning Interface.
    • The choice of speed vs. quality imaging (for narrow rings or the density or blue reflectance method analyses).
    • Scan in 16 bit grey levels (for density or blue reflectance method analyses).
    • Dust and Sharpening filters.
    • Default resolutions of 800, 1600, 3200, 9600 dpi changed to 600, 1200, 2400, 4800.
  • Minor interface improvements (new Application and Acquisition icons, commands renamed...).

WinDENDRO x64 (64 bits native for Windows 7 64-bit)

A new 64-bit version is now available (as an option at an extra cost). It can analyse larger images and is faster by 5 to 7% compared to the 32-bit version.

It has these limitations compared to the latter:

    • It cannot acquire images from a scanner or camera directly via TWAIN. It can only open image files.
    • It can only read tiff images files (uncompressed), not jpg or bmp.

The 64-bit version can load analysed images (.tif files with ring paths) made with the 32-bit version but the reverse is not true. Images analysed by the 64-bit version can only be reanalysed/validated with current and future 64-bit versions, not with the 32-bit versions. Data files (containing measurements in .txt files) are identical for both versions however.       

The 64-bit version do not replace the 32-bit version which will still be updated in the future.

  • Revised manual
  • Bug fix
    • Missing density data in Pixels based data files (.pxb) when using a) the row format and b) Multi-segments paths.
WinDENDRO 2012c  

Release date: August 9, 2012
WinDENDRO 2012c ITRAX Version ONLY
Bug Fix:

  • Crash when opening an Itrax chemical elements file.
WinDENDRO 2012b  

Release date: June 27th 2012
Bug Fix:

  • Conversion to Tucson format, when Earlywood width in mm and % were both in the file to convert, only the % data was converted. Reason: The folder name was to short to distinguish both data types so the second one written (%) overrode the first.

WinDENDRO 2012a  

Reg and Density versions

  • When creating a brother path (sharing its starting point with another path), the angle between it and the existing active path is displayed over the image (to create paths at specific angles around the pith).
  • When creating multi segment paths (2+ mouse click paths), the Sample identification window will display the same data as the previously created path.
  • Modifications to Reference data series (Cross-dating menu)
  • Reference data series now have an identification name which is displayed in the graphic and saved in ref2 files (in column 5 instead of a zero). When loading a reference data series from a WinDENDRO txt file or Tucson data file, its identification name takes on the value of the Tree Name entry. Older (Ref or Ref2 files can still be read by the new WinDENDRO but will display a 0 instead of the identification.
  • Reference data series can be activated in sequential order with the mouse (in addition to the previous keyboard command) by pressing shift and tab.
  • The maximum number of reference data series has been increased from 20 to 200.

Density version

  • 48 bits color images can be read (tiff uncompressed), analysed and saved.
  • The Blue Intensity (Reflectance) method can now be used more easily. When this method is activated, WinDENDRO turns on the required settings, change its profile areas background color to blue and change the name of some commands’ items or variables (in Density/Light Calibration Parameters, in the Command Area, in data files column 24).
  • When the Blue reflectance method is active, there is no need to select the blue channel manually (it is selected automatically by WinDENDRO when loading a color image and the image display remains in color).
  • Density calibration can be done more rapidly simply by clicking the first and last steps of a target. Those in between are automatically identified. The previous method of individual steps identification is still available.
  • The maximum number of steps for density calibration has been increased from 16 to 24.
  • Support for Regent’s Reflectance targets for the Blue Reflectance method.
  • In Density/Light Calibration Parameters, the width of 2 data columns (Thickness and Wood Density) has been increased to display and enter larger values (for 16 bits images). A minor display bug in Media type has been fixed.
  • Default settings modified (when Density Analysis is activated):
    • The settings are those of the Blue reflectance method instead of X-Ray films analysis.
  • Light calibration is set to Manual instead of Automatic.
  • The Information area (above image) will now display the grey level intensity of 16 bits image from 0 to 65536 instead of 0 to 255.
  • The Log Outline data are now in units (instead of pixels).

All versions

  • The maximum number of paths has been increased.
  • It is now possible to add more than one null ring at a time. The Ring/Add A Null Ring command has been renamed Add Null Ring[s] to reflect this.
  • When converting files from WinDENDRO to Decadal (Tucson) format, the sentinel marker can be specified among: 999, -999, 9999, -9999 (in a new command named Data/Decadal Format).
  • Data/WinDENDRO Data File to Tucson (decadal) has been renamed Data/WinDENDRO to Decadal Conversion...
  • The mouse cursor color (in the Image Area) can be changed
WinDENDRO 2009c  

This update is only for the ITRAX wood scanner version.

  • It can display chemical data in the left (vertical) Profile area.
  • The selection of which chemical elements are displayed and how is done in Display/Chemical Data or by pressing Shift and Right clicking the mouse in the Profile Area.
  • The similitude line can be hidden in the Profile areas when the Teach & Show ring detection method is used.
WinDENDRO 2009b  
  • Functions of the program have been revised/modified to ensure they work with very large images produced by high-end very high resolution scanners and digital cameras.
  • User can right click the mouse in the Profile areas to select what is displayed there.
  • The horizontal Profile area can be resized (like the vertical one).
  • The earlywood boundary measurements saved in an analysed image can be updated by: 1) changing the earlywood definition (in Ring/Earlywood Definition), 2) turning off the loading of Earlywood parameters (in Path/Analysis Preferences) and 3) loading the image. Previously it required to also turn off the loading of Density analysis parameters (in Path/Analysis Preferences).
  • The earlywood boundary of the first ring of each segment of a multi-segment path can be moved in one more situation: when it is on a segment ahead of the ring width boundary.

Bug fix:

  • When loading an analysed tiff image, data was written twice if the paths were modified (one time in its original data from the tiff file and one time after all modifications).
  • This bug occurred when interactively moving the earlywood-latewood boundary of the first ring of a multi-segment path for segments other than the first. The computed earlywood-latewood transition was not correct (it was correct when not moved by user).
  • The earlywood boundary (EWB) of the first ring of each segment (except the first) of a multi-segment path was in some rare cases equal to its ring width (RW).
WinDENDRO 2009a  

Release date : January 10, 2009

  • Image loading and saving is much faster (±10X). This is most noticeable on large images (50MB and over).
  • It can now load one more color tiff file format.
  • Image display at low zoom magnifications (1/16, 1/32, Fit) is done much faster (±4X).
  • The “Fit” zoom magnification will display larger images.
  • It can scan in 16 bits grey levels (with the TWAIN interface displayed) (Density version).
  • The Density/Media command is now in Density/Light Calibration Parameters and a minor display bug has been fixed in the latter.
  • Some commands got minor interface improvements.
WinDENDRO 2008g  

Bug fix:

  • This bug occurred when interactively moving the earlywood-latewood boundary of the first ring of a multi-segment path for segments other than the first. The computed earlywood-latewood transition was not correct (it was correct when not moved by user).
WinDENDRO 2008f  

Release date: March 3, 2009

Can load wider images stored in old tiff format.

WinDENDRO 2008e  

It solves a bug issue with density analysis with large images (+-500MB). When identifying intensity steps, negative values were sometime obtained which prevented the calibration and analysis to be done.

WinDENDRO 2008d  

Bug solved in density analysis with 16-bit images (present in all earlier versions): The virtual slit did not worked properly.

WinDENDRO 2008c  

Bug solved for multi segment paths (present in versions 2008a and b): First ring of segments other than first one, sometimes had wrong earlywood and latewood widths.

WinDENDRO 2008b  

Release date: July 3rd 2008

  • After edition of the sample identification, the path density profiles are updated if the sample thickness have been changed (now works for multi-segments paths).
  • The sample thickness (used by density analysis) is now saved in column 25 of ring based data files.
  • Two more options in Analysis/Preferences.
  • Bugs (crashes) fixed.
WinDENDRO 2008a  

Release date : January 10th 2008

This is the first version designed for and tested under Windows Vista (but it also works under XP). It has been produced by a different compiler (the latest available) and thus has inherited some enhancements of modern tools built-in (increased capacity or limits of some functions related to maximum image size).

Note: WinDENDRO 2008a will not read analyses stored in tiff image files made with versions 6.5 and less. Those files can be read only if they are first converted to an earlier version with a previous version of WinDENDRO (such as 2003, 2004, 2005 or 2006).

New Features

  • You can undo and redo interactive ring and path modifications commands such as moving, reorienting, adding and deleting rings.
  • It is now possible to recreate paths which have been deleted (using Path/Delete Active Path or Path/Cancel Analysis).
  • Paths can now be continued (prolonged) after they have been closed (terminated).
  • The last segment of a path can now be deleted after it has been closed (terminated).
  • Brother paths (having a common beginning point such as the centre of a disk) can be added to existing paths (works for single or multi-segments paths).
  • Analysed images saved in Tiff files contain more of WinDENDRO’s analysis settings (interactive compression and void areas (Density version), ring features names and interactive markers...).
  • You can choose what to do with the analysis when a tiff file previously analysed in WinDENDRO is loaded. WinDENDRO can: 1) load the image without the analysis or 2) load some or all of the analysis settings along with the analysis in the file. The choice of which settings are loaded is done in a new command, Path/Analysis Preferences.
  • A batch reanalysis command has been added. Used in conjunction with the preceding feature (selection of which settings are loaded from tiff files) it allows to reanalyse a series of images with different setup parameters (e.g. new calibration, earlywood definition, data file format...) without operator supervision.
  • It is now possible to create reference series (master chronologies) from unequal number of ring widths series. Messages are now displayed in more error situations.
  • It is possible to create reference data series (master chronologies) by merging existing reference data series (thus creating them with or without analysed images). It also takes into account from how many series they have been averaged from to keep their respective weight.
  • The reference data format has been modified (.ref2 format) to hold the information about from how many data series a reference data set come from (so its weight is kept when later averaged with other series).
  • The area measurement module is now included in the Density version. It allows to measure the area of regions you outline in the image (such as void, cracked or compression areas).
  • When area measurements are done (Density version) with or without paths created, WinDENDRO will write their total area in the Command area. In earlier versions, it was written only if a Log outline analysis had been done.
  • The tree (sample) name of files converted to Tucson (decadal) format now have a different digit given by WinDENDRO (as the last character of the name) if the user have turned on Path identification in Path/Identification/Preferences. This allow to have different sample identifications in Tucson's files for multiple radii made on the same sample.
  • 10 to 16 bits per pixel grey levels images are saved in 10 to 16 bits (not 8 as before) with or without their analysis.

Modifications to the interface

  • The Command Area width is now adjustable.
  • Information about the scanner calibration stored in the file is now visible in Calibration/Method. This comprises its manufacturer, model and serial number. Dual lens scanners are also supported.
  • More data about the intensity profile (min, max and average) are displayed in the Command area when density analysis is not active (intensity related data not density data). Also this information is now written with a three digits precision instead of one
  • After a click to create a ring, it is highlighted so it can be deleted right away just by clicking again (without having to move the mouse).
  • The Channel selection command has been moved from the Image to the Display menu.
  • Background light unevenness compensation in the scanning direction can be defined from any vertical or horizontal direction. A rectangle is now drawn around the area used for compensation.
  • Background light unevenness compensation in the scanning direction now works with 16 bits per pixels images and works better in 8 bits.
  • When you activate Density/Density Analysis and that Light calibration is set to After Image Acquisition (in Density/Light Calibration Parameters), a message indicating to do a light calibration is displayed rather than starting the calibration.
  • The graphic of light calibration (in Density/Light Calibration Parameters) now displays in red invalid portion of the curve and will clip it to the graphic boundary.
  • Some command names have been simplified (shortened and/or reorganised into hierarchical menus) or their window have been redesigned.
  • The WinDENDRO’s welcome (copyright) window displayed at startup fades away after a few seconds.

Bug Fixes / Annoyances Removed

  • Alt + click to reorient a ring, did now work for the last ring of a path which had descending paths.
  • Earlywood width manually set by the user will remain after modifications to paths.
  • The keyboard commands to shift rings (W, Z, Shift+W, Shift+Z) also shifted rings highlighted on inactive paths (a very rare situation since rings are only highlighted on the active path).
  • A freeze which occurred sometimes when activating Path/Define Gap Area and zooming the image or scrolling it instead of clicking it right away.
  • The double confirmation (Ok or Cancel) after Path/Edit Active Path Identification.
  • Ring angle on descending segments was not displayed in the Command Area when the mouse was over a ring.
  • Graphic of light calibration will not crash if the same intensity is entered for two consecutive steps.

Commands Removed

  • Data/Format Preferences. The dot is always used as a decimal separator.
  • The 16 bits display range sub-menus items of the Image menu.
  • Image/Save Image Selection.
  • Light equalization (the method other than in scanning direction).
WinDENDRO 2006b  

Release date: March 29th 2007

The "About WinDENDRO" window will fade away after a few seconds at startup.

Fix of a display bug. When samples with a large number of rings (400 to 600) were analysed on small screens (or when the ring-width graphic had a small horizontal size), the ring highlighted in the image when moving the mouse over the path was offset by one (the ring before the one under the mouse cursor was highlighted). This bug can be solved in earlier versions (2005) by increasing the horizontal size of the graphic on screen.

WinDENDRO 2006a  

Modifications to density analysis from positive samples (when X-Ray negative films are not used). More kind of samples and calibrations can be done.

Support for the STD4800 scanner.