WinFOLIA is for Leaf Analysis
Image Analysis for Plant Science
Regent Instruments Inc. since 1991




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WinFOLIA is regularly updated. Owners are invited to visit this web page regularly for news about updates with the features list. For questions, please contact our sales department at
Most recent update: 2025a
WinFOLIA 2025

Release date: 10 January 2025

  • New Basic version at lower cost (but with less features).
WinFOLIA 2024

Release date: 10 February 2024

  • WinFOLIA 64-bit can now acquire images from the STD4800 scanner.
  • Supports the LA 5th generation (13).
  • Analysis/Leaf & Background Detection has been split in two commands: Leaves Detection and Background Detection. It is more responsive and faster.
  • 48 bits color & 16 bits grey image support added.
    • Color analysis can now be done on 48 bits color images for greater precision and accuracy (12 to 16 bits of color information per channel [Red, Green and Blue]).
    • Can now load, scan, edit, analyse and save tiff 48 bits color and 16 bits grey levels images.
  • The Command Area data are more detailed, better displayed and handle larger font sizes. Information and data colors has been harmonised with other Regent's products. User has more control over which data are displayed.
  • Fractal dimension and deviation can now be calculated from leaves perimeter or area.
  • 4 Apex angle measurements have been added (similar to Lobe angles), 2 measured on the blade and 2 on the blade envelope.
  • Color Analysis can now be turned on or off also in Analysis/Measurements (in addition to Analysis/Leaves Detection as before).
  • Analysis/Parameters: Speed, Memory & Feedback has been removed (Maximum Feedbacks is always used).
  • Delete Interactive Measurement, Interactive Measurements... and Observations have been moved from the Analysis menu to a new menu named Interactive.
  • Undo Edition has moved to the Image Menu
  • Image edition done in the Detected Leaf image can also be applied to the Original image.
  • The Original image can now also be edited after the analysis. The Analysis is redone with pixels reclassification after edition. (Note: If Detected Leaves image is edited, pixels reclassification is not redone).
  • Long Tooltips (temporary text displayed in yellow box when the mouse cursor is held over a window item) are displayed on more than one line.
  • A new Calibration function so that user can calibrate a scanner (and produce a file).
  • WinFOLIA and XLFolia are now bilingual (French and English). The language choice is made in the Misc. menu or in the Welcome screen at start-up.

Bugs Fixes

Pro version:

  • Color /New Class won't do a reanalysis if the new class is cancelled.
  • Color /New Class will ask if user wants to reanalyse existing analyses (of current and/or all documents) or not if a class was added.

All versions:

  • Recreate Last analysed region crash if activated after an analysed image was loaded.
  • A problem with Undo Edition when editing the Detected Seedles image.
WinFOLIA 2022

Release date: 01 June 2022

Reg & Pro versions:

  • Multiple documents are now supported which means the user can work on more than one image at a time. Each document window contains its own image, graphic and data files.

All versions

  • Can now open TIFF "compressed" and JPEG 2000 image files.
  • Can now open PNG image files.
  • Modifications to the Simple Scanning Interface (in Image/Acquisition Parameters):
    • LA2400 Scanner 3rd Generation: Now works with TWAIN driver versions 6.5 (previous versions required 6.2).
    • LA2400 Scanners: The focus position can be modified (on the glass or above it).
    • The light source can be manually selected (when the scanner has more than one).
    • The image brightness can be increased or decreased.
    • The image contrasts can be increased or decreased.
    • Scanning can be done in portrait (vertical image as before) or landscape (horizontal image).
    • STD Scanner: An alternative light type can be selected. It enhances object's texture and 3D details.
    • No longer supports for the 4990 scanner model.
  • Analysed Regions defined close to or at the limits of the image boundary are no longer rejected, they are truncated to the image boundary and the error message is no longer displayed.
  • Right mouse click slider now shows by default the ActiveZone threshold value instead of 128.
  • Dialog Windows with entry fields: All entry fields are auto-scroll to allow for larger text or numbers to be entered.
  • Each menu has now its own Hotkey.

Bugs Fixes

  • Crash occuring after Importing a set of analysed regions and activating Recreate Last Analysed Region.

Basic version:

  • Crash when saving data if Histogram and Normalised were active in Data/Saving Options. Activating this item was useless as there is no histogram data that can be saved in the Basic version.

Reg & Pro versions:

  • Get Active Region's Parameters not setting radio buttons properly in Analysis/Interactive Measurementss.

Pro version:

  • Color Classes specifications can now be saved in RGB (in addition to HSI) in data files.
  • Color classes can be edited, loaded and created after the analysis (the latter is updated).
  • 3 more images can be saved in batch analysis mode. These are: The Color Classes, the Color Groups and the Objects' Color Classification Group images.

32-bit version:

  • ijl15.lib no more required.

64-bit version:

  • Can load, save uncompressed tiff images larger than 4GBytes (BigTIFF).
  • Can read more BigTIFF large files (over 1GB).
  • Can Scan larger images, up to limit of Regent's LA scanners TWAIN drivers.
  • Can read Exif and GPS tags in JPEG files.
WinFOLIA 2020

Release date: 10 March 2020

  • WinFOLIA is 1.6 to 4.4 times faster thanks to its Multi-Threaded support (which does tasks in parallel). The speed increase varies in function of the complexity of the analysis (the processing done) and the number of processors/core/threads in the computer. Faster speed gain can be obtained by using higher end computers than those used by Regent in September 2019 to make the speed tests.
  • Can do batch reanalysis (not analysis) in Leaf Morphology Analysis mode.
  • When loading an analysed image, the operator can choose to load or not 7 groups of settings (those not loaded are overriden by WinFOLIA current’s settings):
    • Calibration (pixel size),
    • Analysis measurements settings (to change the Leaf Morphology Mode, ...),
    • Object & Background Detection parameters,
    • Leaves’ distribution graphic settings.
    • Image and Debris Filtering,
    • Color Classes and Groups definitions.
    • Leaf Color Group Classification.
  • Objects filtered out or rejected by the automatic analysis can now be revalidated (except those based on area).
  • Image Edition of the Objects’ Classification image (while an analysed region exists) are now cropped to the Active Analysed Region during drawing (they were cropped when edition ended now they are before).

64-bit version

  • Can read some BigTIFF files

Bugs Fixes

  • Export/Import Analysed Regions were not working when there was a space in their name.
  • Batch analysis now handles correctly images containing exclusion regions.
WinFOLIA 2019

Release date: 20 August 2018

  • New driverless protection keys (no more need to install protection key drivers). The key also now contains the WinFOLIA programs for distribution (not for execution).
  • Supports the new LA2400 scanner third generation (introduced in March 2017).
  • Some commands can retrieve settings of the Active Analysed region for viewing how it was analysed or to apply them to other regions (Object & Background Detection, Debris Filtering, Color Object Classification).
  • Modifications to the objects distribution histogram above the image:
    • Its data can be saved in a new separate data type lines.
    • It can set the horizontal scale automatically.
    • Is no more limited to 200 classes (now up to a few thousands).
    • Its settings are saved in configuration files.
  • Calibration/Pixel Size Methods
  • It no more has the option of loading 1 or 2 images for calibration, it is always 1.
    • New Calibration won’t load an image, will use current image for calibration when no Regent targets are used.
  • If an analysed image is displayed while Load Calibration is activated, it will be reanalysed with the calibration loaded.
  • Individual objects (seedlings) analysis speed has been increased. It is up to 50% faster than previous versions. It also has a new option for Huges images (or with a large number of objects) that makes the analysis approximately 4% faster (much more as the image size and number of leaves increases significantly).
  • Leaves identification numbers can be attributed by rows (in increasing row and column order from top to bottom and left to right).
  • Lines drawn over the image can be drawn thicker (user selectable thickness). These are the lines used to identify: Leaf morphological measurements (Length, Width, Perimeter, Loba angles...),  Bounding box, Interactive measurements, Analysed and Exclusion Regions boundaries, Regent’s Calibration Target detected and size Scale.
  • The number of holes per leaf is now saved right after total holes area in LEAF data lines.
  • The image will automatically scroll when the mouse cursor is moved toward its edge when defining an analysed or exclusion region or making an Interactive Measurement.
  • Optional data lines’ titles are saved only when such data saving is enabled.
  • Speed Memory Feedbacks names shortened (in Analysis/Parameters).
  • Pixels Classification Image renamed Detected Leaf image.
  • Minor modifications to image selectors icons in Command area.
  • It now starts in Maximize state as a single window (instead of a window inside a window).
  • Windows menu is gone.
  • Keyboard shortcuts have been added:
    • Ctrl + R to switch to Region creation mode.
    • Ctrl + T to switch to Interactive Measurements (Lines Tracing) working mode.
    • Ctrl + E to switch to Image Edition working mode.
    • Ctrl O to Open a new document (Acquire an image from disk or scanner).
    • Ctrl S to Save the image (with its analysis if it is done).
    • Ctrl I to activate the Display/Image Area menu command.

64-bit version

  • Can now load images larger than 3GBytes

Bugs Fixes

  • Bug batch img acq, window ask for size is not displayed.
  • Bug fix: In the Color Objects Classification image, objects were drawn the first color of the group rather than the group’s color (bug present in older versions too).
  • Misc/Print Whole Image when zoom was not 1.0, region boundary was not drawn correctly.
  • “Zoom to fit” used to display horizontal lines at some magnifications.
  • A crash when the Leaf Distribution Graphic Vertical scale was set to Log while there was no analysed regions.
  • Useless reanalysis done when switching to image edition, Interactive Measurements and Region creation mode and no image edition had been done.
WinFOLIA 2016

Release date: 15 March 2016

  • Bug fix with Color aggregation analysis in Total Area only mode.
WinFOLIA 2016a

Release date: 10 February 2016

  • This is the first WinFOLIA version made and tested under Windows 10. It was also tested on Tablets with a pen interface under Windows 10.

Measurements modifications

  • Four new measurements have been added (Pro version):
    • Blade symmetry.
    • Color aggregation.
    • Envelope width at two places.
    • Envelope lobe angle at two places.
  • Envelope measurement (convex hull) has been redone.
    • It now has a user selectable elasticity factor which determines how rigid (tight) the envelope is (how close or far it goes from the blade perimeter).
    • It won't go anymore inside the blade.
    • Envelope area measurement is more precise.
  • Petiole area is more precise (for irregular shapes) and there are now three methods to measure its length (straight line, curved line and skeleton).
  • Apex localisation is more precise for leaves with a flat apex.
  • Perimeter measurement is more precise.
  • Holes perimeter is never included in leaf perimeter (before it was if Hole analysis was off).
  • Fractals analysis can go over ten iterations.

Regions modifications

  • Analysed and Exclusion Regions are much faster. Below are the functions/commands affected and some examples of speed increase;
    • Analysed regions without exlcusion regions are 1.05 to 1.79 times faster than version 2013. Larger gains are for free style (lasso) regions.
    • Analysed regions with exclusion regions are 1.18 to 2.34 times faster than version 2013.
      Larger gains are for free style (lasso) regions.
    • The right mouse click slider is faster (more responsive).
    • Activating, Moving, Resizing an Analysed region is faster.
    • Color analysis is faster.
    • The Leaf & Background Distinction command can consider or not exclusion regions (it is much faster in the latter case).
      Note that whole image analysis is 10% slower when no exclusion regions exists and can be up to 4.16 times faster when they do.
  • Analysed regions exported to a file then imported back will retain their name (instead of having numbers).
  • Analysed regions are reanalysed just once when deleting all Exclusion regions.
  • Existing exclusion regions are no more deleted when importing a set of exclusion regions.

Commands modifications

  • Analysis/Measurements has been separated in two commands (Analysis/Parameters and Analysis/Measurements).
  • Calibration/Pixel Size Method has been redesigned and has new features:
    • Regent's target can be automatically detected and the image automatically calibrated.
  • Leaf & Background Distinction was renamed Leaf & Background Detection, has been redesigned and has new features:
    • Regent's blue or white background can be detected automatically.
    • An analysed region can be created automatically around the background.
    • Its Histogram displays pixels intensity distribution for the whole image if no Analysed region exists, otherwise it is for the active Analysed region.
  • Ask to save image after acquisition (in Analysis/Parameters) has been replaced by Save image before acquiring another and has those three differences from the former:
    • it will save the analysed image weather it comes from a file or scanner,
    • it will be saved after the analysis rather than before,
    • it won't ask for a name but simply append "An" to the existing name.

New Features

  • A new Tablet mode which can be selected at startup among default settings. It is a simplified mode for in field use with tablets.
  • The coarsiness (resolution) of lasso style regions' boundary is user selectable, allowing a trade-off between spatial precision and analysis speed.
  • A Scale can be drawn in the Image area to show the relative size of the image content.
  • Images can be zoomed to fit the screen after acquisition.
  • Settings are no more saved in tiff file when image is saved before analysis.

Interface Modifications

  • The Command area:
    • is wider at startup to allow the display of more information and data.
    • its Icons are larger (which makes their use more easy on tablet or small screens).
    • Petiole Length data can be displayed.
  • The analysis progress bar and message is displayed in the center of WinFOLIA's main window (to avoid hiding the title bar).
  • Save Original Image (With Analysis...) renamed Save Image (With Analysis...).
  • Image/Save Displayed Image renamed Misc/Export Displayed Image For Other Programs
  • Image/Save Image Region has been removed.

Bugs Fixes

  • WinFOLIA's MainWindow not visible at startup in very rare situations (easy to overcome by selecting default settings at startup).
  • A situation in which changing the histogram's horizontal axis was very slow when there was very large numbers in its vertical axis.
  • HOLES data lines: one hole was missing per leaf.
  • Blade angle is no more divided by 2.
  • Settings can be changed after an analysed region exists and will affect only regions created after.
WinFOLIA 2015a

Release date: 09 June 2015

  • Compatible with Regent's STD scanner of third generation.
  • Color analysis is faster by approximatively 7 to 10% when no exclusion regions are used.
  • The Pixels Classification image can now be saved in batch analysis (in addition to the analysed image available in previous versions).
  • Displayed Images (but not analysed images) can now be saved as jpg.
  • Bug fix:
    • Color/Edit Classes is disabled as soon as one analysed region exists.

64-bit version

  • It can now load and save jpg image files.
  • It can now acquire images from 64-bit TWAIN sources (not from 32-bit TWAIN sources).
WinFOLIA 2014a
  • New data type added. Individual color analysis data per class and/or group.
  • The Leaf identification number is now saved in TOOTH, HOLES and COLOR data lines.
  • Revised manual for our PICK (Portable Image acquisition and Calibration Kit) and new data type and other minor modifications.

NEW: XLFolia, a new (optional) software program to help classify and visualize data produced by WinFOLIA. It is made as a set of macros that runs in Excel (2007, 2010 or 2013). These macros add a new menu (named XLFolia) to Excel's menu. The latter contains commands to process data and create graphics very easily. Excel's standard commands remain available allowing you to do your own processings and graphics.

WinFOLIA 2012a

  • It is now possible to define a few exclusion regions and have the analysis updated only at the end of the last one (rather than after each one).
  • Units of the Intrinsic calib method (for images from scanners) can be selected among um (micrometers) mm (millimeters) or cm (centimeters).
  • The display of Color classes, Color groups or Objects color classification is now done by clicking the Color image selector in the Command Area (the displayed image is changed each time you click it).
  • 48 bits color images can be read (tiff uncompressed), analysed (as 24 bit) and saved.
  • The mouse cursor color (in the Image Area) can be changed.
  • Analysis/Pixels Classification will no more modify the analysed region. It is provided to be used before the analysis. After an analysis, the slider (right mouse click) command should be used instead.
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Revised manual and new pdf manual.
WinFOLIA 2011a

Release date: October 19, 2010

  • There can be more than one analysed region per image.
  • A set of analysed regions defined on one image can be saved for later utilization with other images.
  • A new menu has been added to hold all analysed and exclusion regions commands.
  • Fractal analysis (Pro) can now also be done in Basic Morphology mode.
  • The fractal deviation data (Pro) are now saved with 4 decimal digits.
  • The Analysis/Parameters command has been redesigned.
  • There can be more leaves per image/analysed region.
  • Many parts of the program have been redesigned for a more efficient memory use.
  • There are more data that can be displayed in the Command area.
  • There are now two separate commands to select the data/information displayed in the Command area and Image area.
  • There are more debris filtering criteria.
  • There is one more criterium for objects color classification.
Warning of a limitation:
This version cannot read analyses saved in tiff image made with previous versions of WinFOLIA .
Problems fixed:
  • A leaf recreated after been deleted will now be analysed based from the new click position. (Leaf Morphology analysis mode).
  • Holes measurement now works when other leaves/objects intersect the boundary rectangle of a measured leaf. This problem occurred in some rares specific situations.

WinFOLIA 2009a

Release date: March 10, 2009

  • Image pre-filtering has been added to improve teeth analysis. Analysis/Debris Filtering has been renamed Analysis/Filters
  • Image loading and saving in tiff files is much faster (±10X).
  • It can load one more color tiff file format.
  • It can load wider (larger) images in old tiff format.
  • Image display at low zoom magnifications (1/16, 1/32, Fit) is done much faster (±4X).
  • The “Fit” zoom magnification will display larger images.
  • Right Click Slider (interactive pixels classification adjustment) is faster and work with larger images.
  • All functions of the program have been revised/modified to ensure they work with very large images produced by high-end very high resolution scanners and digital cameras.
  • Object color group classification % criteria is now precise up to 2 decimal digits.
  • It can scan a new image format: bi-level black and white (equivalent to a pixels classified image). The pixels classification is done by the scanner at the scanning stage.
WinFOLIA 2008a
Release date: October 2008

  • This is the first version designed for and tested under Windows Vista (but it also works under XP). It has been produced by a different compiler (the latest available) and thus has inherited some enhancements of modern tools built-in (increased capacity or limits of some functions related to maximum image size).
  • Analysis is updated when the calibration method or its parameters are changed (while an analysis is displayed on screen).
  • Enhanced scanner calibration files. Allow WinFOLIA to support new scanners (with their positioning system with regard to our simple scanning interface) without modifications to it (no need to release a new version to support a new scanner).

Modifications to the interface

  • The mouse wheel can also be used to scroll the image horizontally (it was working before only in the vertical direction). Press ctrl and roll the mouse wheel to scroll horizontally. Press shift to scroll faster in both directions.

Modifications to the Command Area

  • Its width can be changed interactively.
  • You can right click the mouse in the Command area to set the information displayed there.
  • The graphic above the image display status (set with the ShowHide graphic button) is saved and restored at start up.
  • Will zoom closer to the mouse cursor location if it is in image area when pressing the “-” or “+” keys.
  • The information area above the image will display more accurate information about the active calibration (, file, or none) when it is changed or canceled.
  • Misc. minor changes to the window interface of a few menu commands.
  • Display/Contrasts is gone
WinFOLIA 2007b
Release date: 22 January 2007

One more information is saved with color data (color classes' group owner)

Bugs fix:

  • Problem with STD1600 scanner. Cannot select the maximum scan area when Regent positioning system is used. Bug was present in version 2007a
WinFOLIA 2007a
Image analysis programs are extremely demanding on computer resources (more than a word processor for example), so it is a bad idea to use an old computer for this type of application. Most computers sold today have the minimal power. Although a minimum configuration can work, you will gain a lot in productivity by adding some little extras like a large screen (22"-24"), plenty of RAM (over 2GB). It works with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (32 or 64-bit).
Release date: 01 January 2007


  • The analysis can be saved with the image (in standard tiff files). It can automatically be retrieved when an image previously analysed and saved to a tiff file from WinFOLIA is loaded. Note: The analysis is accessible only to WinFOLIA, not to other programs.
  • There are now two commands to save an image, one with the analysis and one without it.

Exclusion regions

  • They can be exported to and imported from files to apply them on different images.
  • You can create them without activating menu commands by pressing the shift key and clicking the image.
  • They can be activated by clicking them and commands can be applied to the active one (delete it for example).
  • Exclusions/Delete Last Exclusion Region has been renamed Exclusions/Delete Exclusion Region and will delete the active region instead of the last created.

Color analysis (Pro version)

  • The display of the color classes or color groups image is much faster (10X or +).
  • Color classes specifications and groups name are saved on each LEAF data line. This allows to track color classes modifications over time when analysing measurement data.
  • When editing the color of a color group (for display purposes), only the parameters that can be changed are now active.
  • White balance can be done independently of pixels size calibration.
  • The dominant color group is saved for each leaf.
  • Color analysis (Pro version) has been enhanced to provide more user friendly classifications and data. For example, in addition to give each color class and group area per object and for the analysed region, the new version also presents the percentage of object and image area in each class and group.
  • Objects can also be classified into color groups (Disease vs. Healthy) based on selectable criteria. One of them is the group with the largest area (Ex: if for an object the area of the Healthy color group is larger than the Disease group it will be classified as Healthy). Another criterion is to assign it to a specific group if its area exceeds a percentage of the object area that you specify (Ex: an object is classified as Diseased if the color of this group is larger than 10% of its area). The objects color group classification can now be displayed on screen (in earlier versions only the pixels classification into color classes and groups could be displayed). The objects' color classification can be changed with simple mouse clicks (to override the automatic classification in case of errors).
  • Information about the color group classification of an object can be seen over the image (object filled with or boundary drawn with the color of the group) and in the command area when clicking an object.
  • Color/Display Groups has been replaced by a hierarchical menu with three items (to accommodate the new color group classification).
  • The default color group names are now Background, Healthy and Disease.

Pixels classification

  • The Pixels classification command has been improved. It now displays a histogram of the grey levels and color channels distribution to help select a threshold. It will also display the result of pixels classification from any method, including Based on color (Pro version). This command can also be used to modify the classification after the analysis.

Other modifications

  • An option to save analysed images during batch analysis (all or a sub-sample of them for a random verification).
  • Objects truncated by the image boundary can be rejected. Useful to reject artefacts due to image acquisition (Ex: a dark band surrounding the white background, an incomplete leaf, etc.).
  • Grey levels images with more than 8 bits per pixels (up to 16) can be analysed (Pro version).
  • Observations are now entered using shift + ctrl + click (instead of click only).
  • Data file format modifications to accommodate the new color analysis data.
  • Transpose image has been moved from Image/Acquisition Parameters to Analysis/Parameters. It can now be applied to image files in addition to images acquired with the scanner or camera.
  • Camera version no more transpose images by default.
  • Camera version open jpg files by default instead of tiff.
  • You can choose among three sample identification naming schemes. One of them is an automatic naming scheme optimised for field image acquisition (it requires less or no keyboard typing).
  • Updated manual with better instructions and more information for field leaf image acquisition and analysis.
  • You can choose measurements units (mm, or cm) for the Intrinsic calibration method (used with scanners).
  • Support for new scanners, some ultra fast, some with dual lenses and other ultra-portable.
  • Information about the file (if it is effective or not) and the scanner which calibration it contains (Manufacturer, Model and Serial number) is now displayed in Calibration/Method.

Bugs fix:

  • All modifications to colors used to display information are now saved in the cfg files.
  • Some bugs related to exclusion regions done after the analysis.
  • Interactive measurements (PATHS) are preserved after the creation or deletion of exclusion regions or modifications to the pixels classification (right mouse click, edition...).
WinFOLIA 2006a
Release date: January 2006

New measurements

  • An additional method to measure leaf width.
  • Average leaf width (average of widths measured along leaf length).

Calibration with Regent's targets (for images from cameras)

  • It is now simpler and faster to calibrate and analyse an image with one or more leaves and a calibration target in the same image. WinFOLIA will make the calibration on the displayed image (rather than loading another image) and it will automatically create an exclusion region around the calibration target. The region remains if the analysis is canceled but can be manually destroyed with Exclusions/Delete Last Exclusion Region.

Other modifications

  • Exclusion regions content has no more influence on the automatic threshold selection.
  • The analysis can be interrupted at more places (while the progress bar is displayed).
  • Regent's target calibration method is selected by default when the Object of known dimensions calibration method is active (in Calibration/Method).
  • Calibration can be canceled from more situations.
  • There are more image zoom magnifications and a fit to screen option.
  • When creating a circular analysed or exclusion region, you must move it or resize it otherwise the whole image is selected (similar to when the rectangular and lasso tools regions are made). Also valid for right mouse click threshold adjustment (slider).
  • There are now 14 display information colors that can be changed instead of 12
  • You can specify the RGB value of display information colors in numbers from 0 to 255 (in addition to moving the scrollbars).
  • White balance calibration is now possible for color analysis.

Bugs fixes

  • Can analyse leaves with a blade lobe that goes below the petiole in the image.

WinFOLIA 2005a

Release date: 10 January 2005

Features of the Pro version

  • You can analyse whole images or sub-regions of any shape. Circular and rectangular shapes are predefined or you can outline irregular shape regions to analyse with a lasso tool.
  • Analysed regions can be resized at any time (the analysis is automatically updated).
  • An analysis done with a sub-region (of any shape) can be recreated after (useful to analyse the same region in more than one image).
  • Regions of the image can be excluded from the analysis. You can create practically an unlimited number of such exclusion regions and of any shape. Excluded regions content have no effect on the analysis (It's as if these regions didn't exist in the image).
  • Batch analysis can be done on the whole image or a sub-region of it (of any shape).
  • You can display a single color channel (Red, Green or Blue) of an RGB color image and analyse only that channel. You can also analyse the image in color as before or in true grey levels (calculated from the color components).
  • Information about the dominant color class (area, hue, saturation intensity, and class name) is saved with the data.
  • The histogram above the image can display area per color classes or groups.
  • New functions have been added to remove background light variations for images that come from cameras.
  • The custom selected color for image edition can be modified by clicking its rectangle in the command area.
  • Flickering when resizing the main window has been removed.
  • WinFOLIA will ask to save color classes before quitting if they have been created or modified but not saved during the working session.
  • Color group names (Group1, Group2...) are no more saved in the data file title line when no color classes are loaded or defined.
  • Color/Display Groups Rather Than Classes has been renamed Color/Display Groups.

Features of the Reg and Pro versions

  • Pixels classification (into leaf and background) can be modified or specified interactively for regions of any shape or the whole image, before or after the analysis. Pixels that falls into the leaf group are drawn a different color over the original image as the pixel classification criteria is modified by moving a slider bar.
  • The pixels classification image can be edited (like it was possible for the original image before) to manually classify pixels into leaf and background. The analysis is automatically updated when the edition is complete.
  • A leaf area (and morphological measurements) distribution histogram has been added above image. It can display the number of leaf in function of area, length and width. The Pro version can also display leaf area in function of color.
  • Calibration of images from a camera can be done with a single mouse click when Regent's new calibration targets are included in the image.
  • More options are available as to how and when calibration of images from a camera are done (manually or automatically after load). Targets used for calibration can be in the same image as the object to analyse or in separate image(s).
  • The area of the analysed image (or region for the Pro version) is saved with the data and displayed on screen.
  • Image edition is more precise and a few minor annoyances have been removed (white brush, small brush, image zoom...).
  • The analysis settings and utilization have been simplified. In Basic morphology, leaves are always detected automatically, in Leaf morphology you must always click the blade-petiole junction. No need to choose Automatic vs Interactive and to set the lobe base profile.
  • New and improved manual.
  • Misc. modifications
    • The data file format stores more information (like about the image acquisition device) and more data.
    • Image selection working mode has been removed.
    • Sample identification can be edited during or after the analysis.
    • Camera has been merged with Scanner in Image/Origin.
    • TWAIN compatibility with recent cameras and scanners has been added (LA2400, 6MP).
    • Text size is medium size by default instead of small.
    • Scrollbar thumb works with larger images.
    • The appearance of some windows (dialogs to enter settings) have been redesigned.
    • Analysis/Reanalyse Image renamed Analysis/Restart Analysis.
    • Contrasts enhancements commands merged into a sub-menu command.
    • The analysed image is always displayed.
    • The contrast settings are now in a hierarchical menu.
  • Bug(s) solved
    • Perimeter detection in basic morphology mode.
WinFOLIA 2004a

Release date: April 2004

  • Any image used in the analysis can be saved (Pixels Classification Image, Color Classes Image and Color Groups Image).
  • Analysis/Leaf Background & Color Analysis has been renamed Analysis/Pixels Classification and has been redesigned and simplified
  • TWAIN compatibility with recent cameras and scanners (LC4800) has been added.
  • About command has been moved to Help menu.
  • DPI suggested by default (in Image/Acquisition Parameters) have changed for some scanners.
  • Two minor scanning bugs removed.
  • New and improved manual.
  • New protection key.
WinFOLIA 2003d

Release date: 12 September 2003

  • WinFOLIA is now available in two configurations. One is optimised for scanners the other for cameras. Both have the same functions, they differ only in their default configuration at startup.
  • A new function that rotate an image has been added (it transforms a landscape image into a portrait image). Useful for image acquisition with cameras to optimize the lighting area so that longer leaves can be imaged.
  • Pause before analysis is active by default.
  • The sample Identification window is no more shown during calibration.
  • The last edition stroke is deleted as it should if an image is edited but not analysed and a new one loaded.
WinFOLIA 2003c

Release date: May 2003

  • Default scanning parameters for the LC3200 scanner are now compatible with Regent's positioning system.
WinFOLIA 2003b
Release date: March 2003

  • Scan images from more scanner models including the new LC3200 and LC1200P+ from Regent.
  • The mouse wheel can be used to scroll the image.
  • It can analyse larger images.
WinFOLIA 2003a
Release date: January 2003

  • This version supports the LC1200P (portable) scanner.
  • It has the same manual as version 2002a.

WinFOLIA 2002a

Release date: 01 August 2002

  • This version supports the new LC1600 scanner.
  • The program informs you when a scanner does not support some functions when its TWAIN interface is hidden (when you use Regent's simple interface).
  • The four suggested dpi buttons in Image/Acquisition Parameters are better adapted to new higher resolution scanners (1600 or more optical dpi).
  • There are more "Tooltips" help information in the main window (tooltips are shown when the mouse cursor is held stationary over a window item).
  • At startup the main window does not fill then entire screen but an area slightly smaller.
  • Measurements made on images acquired in dots per cm (rather than dots per inch) from programs not made by Regent Instruments are now more precise.

WinFOLIA 2001a

Release date: 20 May 2001
Eligibility: Free to everyone for whom the free update period has not expired

  • This version is for Windows 2000, ME and 98. It does not work under Windows 3.1 or 95.
  • New accessories are now available to use FOLIA in the fields. Leaves can be scanned while they are on plants. These accessories in combination with the WinFOLIA program are available as a complete portable system. Accessories can be purchased separately if you already own FOLIA.
  • A new lower end, lower cost version of the program is now available. It is called WinFOLIA Basic.
  • Images can be printed or sent to a bmp file with the analysis visible or not.
  • There are more tooltips information (temporary floating text which appears when the mouse remains idle over an item for a few seconds )
  • Batch scanning has been improved. New modes allows to scan faster or to scan and analyse the images before saving them.
  • Image acquisition has been optimised for the new portable version of WinFOLIA.
  • Two new measurements have been added: aspect ratio and form coefficient.
  • The data file format has been modified to accommodate the above two new measurements data.
  • The Pause before analysis option is back. It can be turned off for faster and easier acquisition in the fields.
  • More information is displayed in the command area regarding the analysed leaves (globally and individually).
  • You can choose to display or hide information in the command area per group: instructions, global data and individual data. This allows you to see the information you want on small screen sizes.
  • Display/ Information over image has been renamed Display/Information content.
  • This version will not work with the black protection keys. Contact us for an exchange.
  • Leaves truncated by the image boundary are not rejected from the analysis. This allows to non-destructively analyse leaves while they are on plants.
  • Manuals have been improved significantly (more figures and illustrations).
  • The Very pale leaf option has been removed from Analysis/Leaf/Background and color analysis (it was present in version 5.1a only).
WinFOLIA 5.1a

Release date: 01 February 2000
Eligibility: Free to everyone for whom the free update period has not expired

  • The analysis is 100% faster.
  • Help information about WinFOLIA's windows and controls is given in the form of tooltips (temporary floating text which appears when the mouse remains idle over an item for a few seconds ).
  • You can edit images with the color of your choice (pick up any color present in an image).
  • It can load more tiff file formats.
WinFOLIA 5.0a

Release date: 06 October 2000
Eligibility: Free to everyone for whom the free update period has not expired

  • Data saving is now easier. It is done automatically at the end of the analysis (and updated automatically if you make changes to the analysis).
  • Batch scanning and analysis are now possible.
  • New analysis modes have been added. One is 25% faster for leaf morphology. Another one, still faster, is for measurement of total area per image.
  • The Analysis/Automatic measurement window has been redesigned.
  • The notion of active leaf has been added. An active leaf can be deleted or its measurement data can be seen in the command area. The active leaf is drawn in continuous lines and inactive leaves in dotted lines. You can click a leaf in an image to activate it.
  • The Analysis/Threshold command has been redesigned and merged with Color/Color Analysis Parameters.
  • Debris filtering can be done in any analysis mode. Debris can also be eliminated manually (shift+click the object).
  • More information (leaf area and holes area) about a measured leaf can be seen in the command area when the mouse is clicked on a leaf.
  • Interactive measurements can be deleted and redone.
  • More information is saved in data files. The analysis settings, image file name and resolution are now stored.
  • Data/Data Save option command has been added. It allows you to select which optional data you would like to save (like information per tooth or hole).
  • Jpeg and Windows bmp files can be analyzed.
  • Names of some measurements have been clarified (Ex: projected area instead of area).
  • Support for new scanners (STD1600, 1600+ and LA1600) has been added. View sample images taken with this scanner
  • The computer CPU is no longer utilized at 100% while FOLIA is idle.
  • FOLIA can analyze images with a greater number of objects. Earlier versions might crash when the number of objects is too high (several thousands). The exact number depends on the complexity of the object shapes.
  • shipped with new high resolution (3200dpi) scanners is more precise.
  • Image/Acquire image has been added. It is equivalent to clicking the Acquisition icon.
  • Some image flickering has been eliminated.
  • The command area is larger.
  • The custom resolution choice in Image/Acquisition Parameters remains effective for more than one scan and is stored in the configuration file.
  • Image saving in tiff files has been updated for larger images.
  • Objects (leaf or disk) identification numbers can be assigned by row.
  • The quantity and quality of instruction messages in the command area has been improved.
  • When analysis parameters are changed, a warning informs the operator if the changes are effective only after the current analysis.
  • Text size of the information displayed in the command, information and image areas can be changed. See Display/Text Size.
  • Save Image After Analysis has been renamed Save Image After Acquisition.
  • Some minor bugs have been fixed (lost system resources, editable value in threshold window, lost memory when Reanalyzing an image).
  • Resolution from bmp file is now read and used by FOLIA.
  • Undo Edition has been moved from the Analysis to the Display menu.
  • Better validation of the leaf # in Analysis/Delete Leaf #.
  • New, totally redesigned manuals.
Modifications to the Pro version
  • Leaf envelope detection has been improved.
  • Leaf envelope area measurement has been added.