WinCAM NDVI Analysis System
Image Analysis for Plant Science
Regent Instruments Inc. since 1991




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WinCAM, NDVI, color analysis, measurement, CAM, color area meter Click here for prices
Image Acquisition
Image Acquisition: scanners & cameras

WinCAM NDVI can acquire images directly from most optical scanners (via TWAIN drivers) or digital cameras (via jpeg, tiff or png image files).

For Vegetation Spectral Index or NDVI analysis, a special camera which acquires images in the NIR (Near Infra Red) and Visible bands of the spectrum is required (these are called NDVI, Vegetation Stress Monitoring or Multispectral cameras).

Applications of NDVI cameras are numerous. While they can be used with WinCAM to compute the NDVI or other spectral index of a scene, in some instances they can be used to measure the vegetation cover over soil or other background when color (using conventional cameras) cannot be used. In situations where vegetation has colors close to or identical to their background, they can usually be distinguished in the NIR where healthy vegetation has a strong reflectance compared to other natural objects (soil, sand, rocks, water, ice, ...).

Portable Imaging & Calibration Kit (PICK)

Conventional professional or inexpensive color digital cameras can also be used for image acquisition (for Color Index analyses not for NDVI). We do not sell such cameras (as almost any model can be used) but we offer the Portable Imaging & Calibration Kit (PICK) to ease sample positioning and pixel size or color calibration.

The PICK allows to acquire images of biological samples (needles, leaves, ...) in fields or laboratory with a camera for their analysis in our software programs (WinCAM, WinFOLIA...).

It contributes in different ways to obtaining good images suitable for precise automated analysis. The background provides good contrasts with biological samples. The translucent non-reflective cover holds them firmly against it to avoid shadows and distorted measurements. Calibration targets allow to make a fast and precise calibration in one or a few clicks click (in some cases automatically).

The camera is held above the sample using a tripod (not included) with or without an extension arm and uses the ambient light or a diffuse light (not included). To avoid fuzziness, we recommend to trigger the camera using its built-in timer or a remote control.

The PICK comes in two sizes to accomodate small or large objects and two models. One is optimized for color and morphology analysis (disease quantification, area per color, object area...), the other for basic area and morphology analyses (grey levels analysis).

The PICK is a good complementary item to our scanner based systems.

*1 Almost any model can be used. We do not sell or recommend digital cameras.


Flatbed scanners are very easy to use and produce high quality images, free of illumination problems (such as non-uniformity). They have a built-in permanent calibration (unlike cameras), so the operator does not have to calibrate their images, neither have to adjust their lighting system or lens aperture and focus.

We sell different models in function of their scan area (the maximum leaf size they can digitize), speed, accuracy and portability. Our scanners come calibrated for greater precision and a guide to get better leaf images for computer anlaysis. You can also use any scanner purchased locally. Note that we do not suggest or recommend scanners.

Note: Scanners cannot be used for NDVI analyses, only for conventional color or RGB spectral indexes.


Sales related information

Prices are available by downloading our price lists below or by contacting our Sales Department at

Our interactive price lists below are Excel files without Macros (for security).

Instructions are on the Home and products sheets (each product has its own sheet). You must enter your customer information on the Home sheet and select the items you are interested in on the products sheets.

The list then:
• Calculates discounts when buying more than one product (you get 20% on the second, 40% on the third and 60% for the fourth and more).
• Produce a quote with shipping costs on the Quote sheet.

Click here to download our Canadian dollar price list valid everywhere. Quotes made with it MUST BE PAID in Canadian dollars (not USD or EU).

Click here to download our US dollar price list valid everywhere except Canada. Quotes made with it MUST BE PAID in US dollars (not Canadian dollars or EU).

Click here to download our Euro price list valid in the European Union countries. Quotes made with it MUST BE PAID in EU (not Canadian or US dollars).

Our prices are the same worldwide, for everyone and for the same conditions (pre-paid). In order for this to be possible, the buyer pays for shipping, customs clearance and their local taxes (these are charged by the carrier). There are no Canadian taxes on international sales.

If you are requesting prices for budgetary purposes or for a long period of time (over a year), we encourage you to not ask for a formal quote but to use the current prices on the list.

If you would like to know the cost of updating (e.g. from WinCAM 2012 to 2024) and/or upgrading (e.g. from WinCAM Reg to Pro) your current software version, let us know and we'll send you a different price list with that information.

Note that we do not sell scannners and accessories (PICK) without the WinCAM software.

The following items are included in a system:

  • The WinCAM software.
  • Color Instructions Manuals (printed and pdf)
  • One of the three Calibrated optical scanner we sell. More about our scanners.
  • Prompt technical support (exclusively by email).