WinSCANOPY: Canopy Structure and Solar Radiation Analysis
Image Analysis for Plant Science
Regent Instruments Inc. since 1991




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canopy analysis, solar radiation  

Program features

WinSCANOPY measurements per version  

The WinSCANOPY software program is available in three versions: Mini LS (LAI Solar), Reg & Pro

Note: Versions can be upgraded at any time to a higher endversion simply by paying the difference of cost between them.

Canopy structure measurements
Mini LS
Gap fraction The fraction of pixels classified as open sky (unobstructed by vegetation) in the image (two dimensional space). It is available for the hemisphere, per azimuthal direction, zenith ring, sky region and individual gap regions (outlined interactively).
Openness(or percent open sky) The fraction of open sky (unobstructed by vegetation) in the canopy above the lens (three dimensional space). It takes into account the relative sphere area occupied by each zenith ring. It is available for the hemisphere and per zenith ring.
Highest obstruction analysis   Gives the zenith angle of the highest obstacle (canopy, building or any object other than sky) in function of azimuth. Useful for shading analysis (solar panels, architecture) and communication equipment site comparisons. Details
Analysis of non-hesmipherical images for Individual leaf area and soil cover     Turns WinSCANOPY into a basic individual leaf area meter, disease quantifier (see WinFOLIA for more sophisticated measurements) and soil cover quantifier.
Individual canopy gaps analysis     Gap area, position, gap fraction and radiation data are measured for each region that you outline in the image.
Full frame fish-eye image analysis     Full frame fish-eye images are acquired with a fish-eye lens but do not have a circular projection. The 180 degrees (or less) typical field-of-view spans over the diagonal of the images rather than the vertical. Details


Files features Mini
Reg Pro Description
Leaf area index (LAI)
A measure of leaf material quantity. It is defined as the leaf area (m2) per unit of ground area (m2). It is calculated by five methods (2 for Mini version), each with linear and logarithm averaging (the latter is for clumped canopies).
Leaf angle distribution (LAD) and mean leaf angle (MLA)   check
LAD = Leaf surface inclinations distribution in function of zenith.
Leaf projection coefficient in function of zenith angle.
Isolated tree leaf density
By substitution of the default normalized canopy path lengths of an infinite canopy by those of the tree canopy.
Isolated tree LAI
From 2D projected tree leaf area optionally calibrated from LAI values obtained with another method such as destructive sampling and measurement with a leaf area meter (such as WinFOLIA). Details
Gap size distribution
For foliage clumping compensation and more accurate LAI estimates.
Clumping index from the Lang and Xiang 86 method (log average)
For more accurate LAI estimates. Details
Clumping index from the gap size distribution analysis (Chen & Cihlar 96)
For more accurate LAI estimate. Available for the hemisphere, the sky FOV, zenith rings and sky regions. Details
Cover image analysis
An alternative method to hemispherical images analysis to compute LAI and other canopy structural parameters (crown porosity, crown cover, foliage cover, clumping index).


Radiations (PAR) Measurements
Diffuse (indirect) radiation above and below canopy
Theoretical models (user modifiable) are used to estimate the diffuse radiation levels (PPFD, photosynthetically active photon flux density) above and below the canopy. They are available as instantaneous and total daily values. When data are processed with XLScanopy, they are also available as daily average per week, month and growing season.
Direct radiation above and below canopy
Theoretical models (user modifiable) are used to estimate the direct radiation levels (PPFD, photosynthetically active photon flux density) above and below the canopy. They are available as instantaneous and total daily values. When data are processed with XLScanopy, they are also available as daily average per week, month and growing season.
Indirect (diffuse) site factor
Relative amount of incident diffuse radiation that penetrates below canopy for a specified period of time (the growing season).
Direct site factor
Relative amount of incident direct radiation that penetrates below canopy for a specified period of time (the growing season).
Total site factor
Relative amount of incident total (direct+diffuse) radiation that penetrates below canopy for a specified period of time.
Percentage of time direct radiation is received below canopy  
The percentage of time that direct radiation reaches the site location per hour and month.
Ground slope  
To get more accurate LAI and radiations calculations when the ground is not horizontal.
Sunfleck distribution and daily duration  
Sunfleck distribution is the number of sunflecks in function of the duration in minutes for the growing season. Sunfleck daily duration is the total duration in minutes of all sunflecks for each day of the growing season.


WinSCANOPY features per version  
General features
Mini LS
Interactive or predefined region to analyse
Indicate the hemispherical part of the image to analyse by one of three methods; 1) clicking the image (not for Mini version), 2) entering numerical values or 3) automatically extracting parameters from a calibration file (provided with lenses and cameras that we sell).
Analysis done in one or two steps (Pixels classification and canopy analysis)
1) view and modify the pixels classification, 2-) create or edit masks, 3-) create interactive gap regions (not for Mini version) and 4) choose analysis settings before it is complete. The analysis can be stopped at any time and can go backward by steps.
Batch mode analysis
A batch analysis can be done with or without operator supervision.
User selectable number of sky regions (sky grid)
Choose how many zenith rings or azimuthal slices the hemisphere is divided into.
Zenith rings of equal view angle
WinSCANOPY divides the hemisphere equally among a specified number of annuli. Each zenith ring has the same field of view.
Zenith rings of unequal view angle
You can specify the beginning and ending of each zenith ring.
Automatic data saving cr cr cr Data are saved automatically, no need to activate specific commands.
Multiple passes analysis    
Analyse images in multiple passes by successively changing the analysis parameters (growing season, radiation model, sky grid divisions...). Details


Files features Mini LS Reg Pro Description
Analyse tiff, bmp or jpeg image files
These are the most common image file formats. Jpeg is produced by all digital cameras.
Print any image used in the analysis  
Images can be printed with their analysis marks over them (suntracks, sky grid...) and with or without the accompanying graphic (not for Mini version).
Export any image used in the analysis
You can save in tiff or jpg format readable by many programs; the pixels classification image, the color classes and color groups image (Pro) and the original image with all its analysis settings.
Save the analysis with the image
An image that has been analysed can be saved in tiff format with its complete analysis. When such images are loaded in WinSCANOPY, the analysis is automatically recreated and displayed and can be modified. WinSCANOPY can take on the same settings as when the image was saved or discard the analysis and keep its setting.
Automatic extraction of photo number from images file name
From the image file name (ex: ABC00123.jpeg), WinSCANOPY will automatically extract the number (123) and write it in the sample identification window at the beginning of the analysis.
Automatic extraction of camera settings from image files
When a photo is acquired, most digital cameras store their settings in the image files. WinSCANOPY automatically extracts this information, displays it on screen before analysing the sample and save it with the analysis data. Some of the information that is automatically read and recopied to the analysis data comprises: 1-) lens focal length (to make sure that the lens was set to the focal length it was calibrated), 2-) lens aperture, 3-) camera exposure time, 3-) camera manufacturer, model and firmware, 4-) acquisition date and time, 5-) ISO and exposure program and 6-) metering mode. (This list is not complete).
Extract GPS information from image files
To know the location (latitude, longitude and altitude) where the images are acquired. WinSCANOPY will automatically extract this information when it is present in image files so you wont have to enter them during the analysis.
Choose which information and data are saved in analysis data files
This comprises full control over which title lines, analysis settings and measurements data that are written to files. It can go from the simplest format that comprises only the image identification number and a single measurement to a detailed file that includes all WinSCANOPY's settings.
Save and load from a file the analysis settings
Allows multiple persons to work with the program each with their own settings, without having to reenter them each time the program is started.


Images features Mini LS Reg Pro Description
Select a color channel for viewing and analysis.    
A color image can be viewed and analysed:1-) in RGB color space, 2-) in true grey levels, 3-) in its red, green or blue channel.
Image edition  
To remove artifacts or defects. Images can be edited with pre-defined colors or with any color present in the image. Can also be used to darken white stems to make sure they are classified as canopy elements.
Image sharpening
To enhance grey levels or color transitions so that objects boundaries are sharper.
Panoramic view   Transforms the image from an hemispherical view to a panoramic view.


Fisheye lenses features Mini LS Reg Pro Description
Lens calibration
9th order polynomial to compensate for non linearity in zenithal projection.
Support lenses with field of view (FOV) different from 180 degrees  
To analyse images acquired with a lens with a FOV smaller or larger than 180 degrees or to reduce the effective FOV of a standard 180 degree lens.


Pixels classification (into canopy and sky) features Mini LS Reg Pro Description
View the pixels classification before, during or after analysis. As you change the classification parameters, the resulting classification is shown in the displayed image.
Global threshold pixels classification method (automatic or manual) Light intensity (grey level) is used to determine if pixels belong to sky or canopy.
Adaptive threshold pixels classification     Light intensity (grey level) is used to determine if pixels belong to sky or canopy but criteria changes in function of the location in the image to adapt for lighting variations.
Hemispherical threshold pixels classification     Light intensity (grey level) is used to determine if pixels belong to sky or canopy taking into account the light variations of hemispherical lenses.
Solar threshold pixels classification     Light intensity (grey level) is used to determine if pixels belong to sky or canopy taking into account the sky's light variations (due to sun or other).
Color based pixels classification     True color information (RGB and hue, intensity and saturation) is used to determine if pixels belong to sky or canopy. Details
Interactive pixels classification modifications To verify and make modifications to the pixels classification for the whole image or regions of it. The regions can have any shape or can be the sky grid's zenith rings (not for Mini). Compare the effective classification to one that can be obtained with different classification criteria and retain the best. Details
Histogram Displays the light levels distribution. Helps visualize thresholds selection.


Mask features Mini LS Reg Pro Description
Masks mask To prevent some parts of the image which might contain non-canopy elements from being analysed. You can:
1) Create as many masks as you want and of any type.
2) Export and import masks (even from other programs) to files (unlimited number of masks per file).
3) Save them with the image (in the same tiff file).
4) View the mask over the image as you create them.
5) Create masks: a) drawing over the image (Mini, Reg, Pro), b) specifying parameters (Reg & Pro) or c) entering a list of points in polar or image coordinates (Reg & Pro).
6) Revert a mask selected region (the masked area can be the inside the mask or outside of it) (Not for Mini).
7) Create them before or after the analysis.
8) Manipulate masks (save, load, apply) individually or as a group.


Display features Mini LS Reg Pro Description
User-customizable sample identification information.   Choose which information is asked to the operator before each analysis (hide the information you do not need). This information is saved with the analysis data.
Graphic of measurements data above the image.   To view measurement data (radiation above and below canopy per hour, leaf angle distribution, sunfleck distribution...) graphically while the image is being analysed. It can be viewed (or hidden) on screen, sent to a file or printed.
Choose which information/data is displayed over the image. This information (suntracks, dates, sky grid, masks...) is available at any time and over the original image (instead of a separate image as with some programs) without modifying it. You can also change the color used to display it.


Radiation features Mini
Reg Pro Description
Suntracks Can be automatically generated for a user specified growing season (with variable day interval) or manually one at a time.
Substitute or modify theoretical direct and diffuse radiation.   Substitution or modification of default theoretical values can be done on an hourly basis by month.
Choice of two diffuse (indirect) radiation models. Uniform Overcast (UOC) and Standard Overcast (SOC) are two models commonly used to quantify diffuse radiation distribution in function of zenith.


Miscellaneous features Mini LS Reg Pro Description
Free technical support. Technical support is done exclusively by email by qualified personnel within typically one hour (when message is received on working hours eastern America). It is offered up to 5 years after the product is discontinued.


More about some of WinSCANOPY features

The WinSCANOPY Pro Version


Multiple Passes Analysis (Pro version)

To analyse images more than one time with different parameters in a single mouse click.

LAI Methods

WinSCANOPY has five (Reg version) or six (Pro version) methods of calculating LAI. The Mini version has two methods (Miller 1967 & Welles and Normal 1991 and a generalised version of it). Most of them are available in two variations; the linear and the log average (the latter is for foliage clumping compensation with the Lang and Xiang 86 method):

  • Bonhomme and Chartier: This method is based on the assumption that at 57.5 degrees of elevation (user changeable), gap fraction is insensitive to leaf angle and can be related to LAI by the Beer-Lambert extinction law.
  • The Welles and Norman 1991 (Miller 1967): It uses linear regression to relate LAI to gap fractions at different zenith angles. It can also be used to measure isolated tree leaf density by substituting the default path lengths (valid for a continuous canopy) to those of the tree.
  • Welles and Norman 1991 (Miller 1967) generalized: This method is similar to Welles and Norman 1991 (Miller 1967) method. The formula used for calculations originate from the same theory but have been generalized for any number of elevation rings and field of view.
  • Spherical: This method assumes that leaf area distribution in canopies is identical to that of a sphere.
  • Ellipsoid: This method (Campbell, 1985) assumes that leaf area distribution in canopies is similar to that of an ellipsoid and uses non-linear curve fitting to relate LAI to gap fractions.
  • 2D projected area: method to measure individual tree leaf area is the area meter method first described by Lindsey and Bassuk 1992 and later modified and tested by Peper and McPherson 1998. We have enhanced the method so that calibration is much easier than described by the authors.
Welles and Norman 1991 (Miller 1967)
    • Bonhomme R. & Chartier P. 1972. The Interpretation and Automatic Measurement of Hemispherical Photographs to Obtain Sunlit Foliage Area and Gap Frequency. Israel Journal of Agricultural Research 22. pp. 53-61.
    • Miller J.B. 1967, A formula For Average Foliage Density. Aust. J. Bot. 15, pp. 141-144.
    • Welles J. M. and Norman J. M. 1991, Instrument for Indirect Measurement of Canopy Architecture, Agronomy Journal 83, pp. 818-825.
    • Campbell G.S., 1985. Extinction Coefficients for Radiation in Plant Canopies Calculated Using an Ellipsoidal Inclination Angle Distribution. Agric. For. Meteorol., 36, pp. 317-321.
    • Lang A.R.G., Xiang Y.Q., 1986, Estimation of leaf area index from transmission of direct sunlight in discontinuous canopies. Agric. For. Meteor. 37: pp. 229-243.
    • Lindsey P.A. and Bassuk N. L., 1992. A nondestructive image analysis technique for estimating whole-tree leaf area. HortTechnology, 2 (1) pp. 66-72.
    • Peper P. J. and McPherson E. G., 1998. Comparison of five methods for estimating leaf area index of open grown deciduous trees. Journal of Arboriculture, 24 (2), pp. 98-111.

Pixels Classification

An accurate classification of pixels into sky (gaps) and canopy categories is a pre-requisite to get precise canopy analyses from hemispherical images. WinSCANOPY offers different methods to do this classification and to modify it after if required.

All WinSCANOPY versions have two automatic threshold methods. These use grey levels information (light intensity from a color or grey levels image) to decide in which class (sky or canopy) pixels belongs to. With a global threshold, the classification criterium is the same for all pixels of the hemisphere.

The Pro version offers four additional methods to classify pixels, two of which are specific to hemispherical images.

  • An hemispherical threshold that takes into account the light variation of hemispherical lenses which are brighter at the zenith and darker at the horizon.
  • A threshold that takes into account the light variations due to the sun position in the image (indicated by the operator).
  • Classification based on true color (Pro version). This algorithm is more tolerant to sky conditions variations. For example, it allows to analyse images with white clouds and dark blue sky, a task difficult to do with grey levels thresholds (the dark blue sky tend to be classified as canopy).

The result of the pixels classification can be viewed before the analysis or after. As you change the parameters, the resulting classification is shown in the displayed image allowing you to choose the best method.


The pixels classification can be verified and modified for specific image regions. Pixels that fall into the canopy group are drawn a different color over the original image as the threshold (pixel classification criteria) is modified by moving a slider bar. This allows for a simultaneous view of the original and pixels classification images.


Select a region to be reclassified. It can be the whole hemisphere, a sub-region of any shape or a sky grid's zenith ring.

As you move a slider, pixels classified into the canopy groups are drawn green over the original image.

Adjust the slider so that all canopy elements are covered by green pixels (but not the sky). The analysis is updated automatically.


Color analysis is more tolerant to sky condition variations. Images with clouds and blue sky or blue sky alone can often be analyzed.


The image to the left has a non-uniform sky light distribution. It is well analysed with our solar threshold which adjusts its strength in function of position in the hemisphere. In this case, a global threshold is not efficient.

The left side image is more easily analysed in color than in grey levels due to the presence of dark blue sky which tends to be classified as canopy in a grey levels analysis.

White stems (right image) are often misclassified as sky with a threshold based method. With color classification this is not a problem (when no white clouds are present)




It is possible to mask some areas of the image to prevent them from being analysed. These regions might contain non-canopy elements (operator, building…). They can have any shape and can be created by different methods (see below).

There are four types of masks and two variations of them (the Mini version has only Interactive masks):

1. Interactive masks are created simply by drawing in the image with a lasso tool. The masked area can be inside (as the first two images below) or outside the outlined area (as the right image below).


2. Parametric pie masks are defined numerically (center position, view angle, extinction...)


3. Coordinate masks are defined by entering a series of hemisphere coordinate points (azimuth and elevation or zenith).


4. Image masks are created by loading an image in which non zero pixels values are the regions to mask.

Individual Gaps Measurement

The position and size (area) of canopy gaps can be measured by outlining them in the image.


Gap Size Distribution Analysis (Pro)

Gap size distribution (GSD), i.e. the number of gaps in function of their size, can be used in combination with gap fractions to quantify the degree of clumpiness at the tree level and to use this information to increase the accuracy of LAI measurements. For a canopy of a given gap fraction with randomly distributed foliage elements, it is possible to make a theoretical probability of gaps occurring in function of their size. By comparing the measured GSD to this theoretical distribution, foliage clumpiness can be measured.

At t the base of GSD analysis, is the classification of gaps in two categories; those which are normally expected for a given randomly distributed leaf area and those which are not. The latter are larger gaps that are present because of foliage clumping at the crown level and can be seen between tree crowns. These are called between-crown gaps while random gaps are called within-crown gaps. WinSCANOPY has two methods of classifying gaps into these two groups; Chen and Cihlar 95's method based on transect length (a one dimensional data), which is also used in a sunfleck based commercial instrument, and a new simpler, but efficient, method of our own based on gap area (a two dimensional data).

GSD analyses can be done on hemispherical or cover images. Between-crown gaps are drawn blue, within-crown gaps yellow.


Other features of GSD:

  • On-screen visualisation of between-crown and within-crown gaps. Can also be saved to standard tiff image files.
  • The automatic gap classification can be modified with simple mouse clicks. It can also be done completely manually.
  • Clumping index is measured in function of view zenith angle and globally for the hemisphere or for any view angles range that you choose. Clumping index in function of zenith can be displayed in the graphic above the image during the analysis.

Canopy Cover Images Analysis (Pro)

Canopy cover images have a narrow view angle (5 to 25 degrees) directed toward the zenith or close to it (see figure below). This kind of analysis is an alternative method to hemispherical images analysis to compute LAI and other canopy structural parameters (crown porosity, crown cover, foliage cover, clumping index).

Full-Frame Fish-Eye Images Analysis (Pro)

Full-frame fish-eye images are acquired with a fish-eye lens but do not have a circular projection. The 180 degrees (or less) typical field-of-view spans over the diagonal of the image sensor rather than the vertical image dimension. One of their advantage is to increase the effective image resolution as all pixels are used for canopy and sky information (no black pixels).

  Standard fish-eye image Full-frame fish-eye image Cover image  

Two methods to measure LAI or leaf density of isolated tree


One method (Pro) was first described by Lindsey and Bassuk 1992 and later modified and tested by Peper and McPherson 1998. The other (Reg) is a modification to the Welles and Norman 1991 (Miller 1967) method which consists in substituting the default normalized path lengths for those of the tree canopy (length traveled by light in the canopy at the five rings view angle).


Individual leaf area measurement from non fish-eye images (Pro)


Turns WinSCANOPY into a basic individual leaf area meter, disease quantifier (see WinFOLIA for more sophisticated measurements) and soil foliage cover quantifier.


Leaf projection coefficient in function of view zenith angle (Reg)

Highest obstruction per azimuth analysis (Reg)

It gives the zenith angle of the highest obstacle (canopy, building or any object other than sky) in function of azimuth. Useful for shading analysis (solar panels, architecture) and communication equipment site comparisons.



  • Chen J.M. and Cihlar J., 1995, Plant canopy gap-size analysis theory for improving optical measurements of leaf-area index, Applied Optics Vol. 34. no. 27, pp. 6211-6222
  • Lindsey P.A. and Bassuk N. L., 1992. A nondestructive image analysis technique for estimating whole-tree leaf area. HortTechnology, 2 (1) pp. 66-72
  • Peper P. J. and McPherson E. G., 1998. Comparison of five methods for estimating leaf area index of open grown deciduous trees. Journal of Arboriculture, 24 (2), pp. 98-111