WinCELL is regularly updated. Owners are invited to visit this web page regularly for news about updates with the features list. For questions, please contact our sales department at |
Most recent version: 2025a |
WinCELL 2025a |
Release date: 10 January 2025
- New low cost Basic version.
- Reg version is back.
- Ring Analysis (Reg & Pro):
- It is now possible to specify the year of the last ring instead of the first one.
- Ring regions can be deleted while preserving the ring boundary paths.
- Any ring boundary path can be deleted (when no ring regions exist).
- The direction of any ring boundary path can be flipped (reverted) (when no ring regions exist).
Bug fix
Reg & Pro Versions
- Year of ring added after ring analysis is done was not correct.
WinCELL 2024a |
Release date: 10 February 2024
- WinCELL 64-bit can now acquire images from the STD4800 scanner.
- Supports the LA 5th generation (13).
- Analysis/Lumen & Walls Detection renamed Analysis/Lumen Detection and is more reponsive and faster.
- The Command Area data are more detailed, better displayed and handle larger font sizes. Information and data colors has been harmonised with other Regent's products. User has more control over which data are displayed.
- 48 bits color & 16 bits grey image support added.
- Color analysis can now be done on 48 bits color images for greater precision and accuracy (12 to 16 bits of color information per channel [Red, Green and Blue]).
- Color Analysis can now be turned on or off also in Analysis/Measurements (in addition to Analysis/Objects Detection as before).
- Analysis/Parameters: Speed, Memory & Feedback has been removed (Maximum Feedbacks is always used).
- Undo Edition has moved to the Image Menu.
- Long Tooltips (temporary text displayed in yellow box when the mouse cursor is held without moving over a window item) are displayed on more than one line.
- A new Calibration function so that user can calibrate a scanner (and produce a file).
- WinCELL and XLCell are now bilingual (French and English). The language choice is made at startup or in the Misc. Menu.
Bugs fixes
Pro Version
- Color /New Class won't do a reanalysis if the new class is cancelled.
- Color /New Class will ask if user wants to reanalyse existing analyses (of current and/or all documents) or not if a class was added.
All Versions
- Recreate Last analysed region crash if activated after an analysed image was loaded.
WinCELL 2022a |
Release date: 01 June 2022
- Multiple documents are now supported, which means the user can work on more than one image at a time. Each document window contains its own image, graphic and data file.
- Can now open TIFF "compressed" and JPEG 2000 image files.
- Can now open PNG image files.
- Right mouse click slider now shows by default the ActiveZone threshold value instead of 128.
- Removed Import WinDENDRO Image
- Analysed Regions defined close to or at the limits of the image boundary are no longer rejected, they are truncated to the image boundary and the error message is no longer displayed.
- Modifications to the Simple Scanning Interface (in Image/Acquisition Parameters):
- LA2400 Scanner 3rd Generation: Now works with TWAIN driver versions 6.5 (previous versions required 6.2).
- LA2400 Scanners: The focus position can be modified (on the glass or above it).
- The light source can be manually selected (when the scanner has more than one).
- The image brightness can be increased or decreased.
- The image contrasts can be increased or decreased.
- Scanning can be done in portrait (vertical image as before) or landscape (horizontal image).
- STD Scanner: An alternative light type can be selected. It enhances object's texture and 3D details.
- No longer supports for the 4990 scanner model.
- Analysis/Filters: Resized one check box which text was not entirely visible.
- Dialog Windows with entry fields: All entry fields are auto-scroll to allow for larger text or numbers to be entered.
- Each menu has now its own Hotkey.
Bugs fixes
- A crash occurring after Importing a set of analysed regions and activating Recreate Last Analysed Region.
- The window that asks for the Scan Area length and width was not displayed when Regent's Positioning System was not used.
Pro Version
- Color Classes specifications can now be saved in RGB (in addition to HSI) in data files.
- Color classes can be edited, loaded and created after the analysis (the latter is updated).
- 2 more images can be saved in batch analysis mode. These are: The Color Classes and the Color Groups images.
32-bit version
- ijl15.lib no longer required.
64-bit version
- Can load, save uncompressed tiff images larger than 4GBytes (BigTIFF).
- Can read more BigTIFF large files (over 1GB).
- Can Scan larger images, up to limit of Regent's LA scanners TWAIN drivers.
- Can read Exif and GPS tags in JPEG files.
WinCELL 2020a |
Release date: 10 March 2020
- WinCELL is 2.3 to 4.1 times faster thanks to its Multi-Threaded support (which does tasks in parallel). The speed increase varies in function of the complexity of the analysis (the processing done) and the number of processors/core/threads in the computer. Faster speed gain can be obtained by using higher end computers than those used by Regent in September 2019 to make the speed tests.
- Objects filtered out or rejected by the automatic analysis can now be revalidated (not all of them but most).
- The cells’ tilt angle can be specified per ring.
- The cells’ tilt angle can be changed after the analysis.
- It is now possible to create rectangular or circular Analysed Regions of a specified size.
- It is now possible to create a Vertical tile of regions of a specified size and gap between them.
- Analysis/Measurements can get the analysis settings of an active Analysed Region for review or to apply them to others.
- A manual and interactive object counter has been added (objects must be clicked in the image).
- Image Edition of the Cells’ Classification image (while an analysed region exists) are now cropped to the Active Analysed Region during drawing (they were cropped when edition ended - now they are before).
64-bit version:
- Can read some BigTIFF files
Bugs fixes:
- Row ordering works in more situations.
- Export/Import Analysed Regions were not working when there was a space in their name.
- Batch analysis now handles correctly images containing exclusion regions.
WinCELL 2019c |
Release date: 10 April 2019
Bugs fixes
- Edit Sample Identification can now also change the Analysed region’s name.
- If a Calibration is loaded or its Parameters are modified while an analysis with Paths exists, the data are now updated in the data file as they should.
- Lumen length and width were 1 pixel oversized (bug was in WinCELL 2019a only).
- Touch Center paths not working (bug was in WinCELL 2019a only).
WinCELL 2019a |
Release date: 20 August 2018
- New driverless protection keys (no more need to install protection key drivers). The key also now contains the WinCELL programs for distribution (not for execution).
- Individual object analysis speed has been increased.
- It is 14% faster than WinCELL 2018.
- A new setting for Huge images (2G, 3Gb or more) or images with a very large number of objects (> 200 000) has been added. When it is activated the analysis is between 1.6 and 30.5 times faster.
- Ring Analysis Modifications:
- New Ring Threshold. Its value is adapted in function of the distance from the ring beginning to allow for more sensitivity toward the latewood which lumen are often darker (due to their smaller sizes and occasionally presence of debris on the preparation).
- It is now possible to load a WinDENDRO file to get ring boundaries positions from it instead of tracing them in WinCELL.
- The number of rings is writtten in the Command area.
- Analysis/Measurements can be activated when Ring Boundary Paths exist before closing the Ring Regions (to change the Huge image option).
- Centre HV and Maximum HV automatic cells measurement methods can now be applied to images with cells’ rows not perfectly horizontal. The operator must specify the tilt angle from the horizontal, up to 45 degrees.
- Cells with debris or wall residues in their lumen are now well measured. In previous versions, lumen length and width stopped at debris, now they are skipped over.
- 3 new Filters to reject cells with the following criteria:
- Odd shape (their center is not in the cell’s lumen).
- Wall(s) longer than lumen (row of cells not aligned, broken walls or with debris).
- One wall (much) longer than the other.
- Options about what to do with rejected objects: keep them in object area and count but not in the morphology analysis or blend them with background (walls) = not an object.
- When loading an analysed image, the operator can choose to load or not 3 more groups of settings (those not loaded are overriden by WinCELL’s current’s settings).
- Data Saving option.,
- Color Classes and Groups definitions.
- Image and debris Filtering.
- Measurements data text in the Command area has been revised, description of data writen is more detailed. Also when a rejected cell is clicked on more data about it is written.
- More lines drawn over the image can be drawn thicker (user selectable thickness). These are the lines used to identify: Lumens’ Length, Width and Perimeter, Analysed and Exclusion Regions boundaries, Regent’s Calibration Target and size Scale. Note that ring boundaries and cell’s paths thickness were already settable in earlier versions. (Ring Boundary Path thickness renamed Lines and Rings thickness)
- The Path Tracing working mode has a new icon.
- Image and Calibration files directories are uncoupled (changing one won’t affect the other, each one remembers its location independently of the other).
- The image will automatically scroll when the mouse cursor is moved toward its edge when defining an analysed or exclusion region or tracing paths.
- Color channel change is a thousand times faster.
- Windows menu is gone.
Bugs fixes
- A crash when the Cell Distribution Graphic’s Vertical scale was set to Log while there was no analysis.
- Useless reanalysis done when switching to image edition, path tracing and Region creation mode and no image edition had been done.
- Lumen length’s line color can now be changed.
WinCELL 2018e |
Release date: 14 December 2017
- A new option to automatically switch to path tracing mode after the automatic analysis is done.
Bug fixes
- If a path under creation (not terminated) is deleted (Using Path/Delete Active Path), no more lines are drawn to the mouse cursor position and tracing of another path can begin right away.
WinCELL 2018a, b, c, d |
Release date: 06 December 2017
64-bit version:
- Can load images larger than 3GBytes.
32-bit & 64-bit versions:
Modifications affecting all Analyses:
- Free style Analysed and Exclusion Regions (made with lasso) are faster.
- Analysed regions are 22.1 to 35.3% faster than version 2016.
- The coarsiness (resolution) of lasso style regions' boundary is user selectable, allowing a trade-off between spatial precision and analysis speed.
- Rectangular Analysed Regions are 19.4 to 33.3% faster than version 2016.
Ring Analysis modifications:
- A new Ring menu which holds Ring Analysis commands.
- Ring Analysis activation moved from Analysis/Measurements to Ring menu.
- A new command to Start/Stop Ring boundary path tracing.
- No more need to indicate the path type as "Boundary".
- Year number is asked only for the first ring (when tracing Ring boundary paths).
- Instructions in the Command area are more precise for Ring Analysis.
- When Ring Analysis is activated it will no more set the:
- Data file format to WinDENDRO's
- Individual Cell's Length & Width method (so you can use one which measures wall thickness).
- Ring regions now have a Sample Identification name and a Year (instead of just a year). Both are displayed over the image in Ring Regions.
- The Year can be edited in the Sample Identification window when closing the Ring Regions. By default it displays the year you entered when the first Ring Boundary path was created, but it can be edited.
- Ring Boundary paths can be modified after they have been traced before or after Ring Regions have been closed. You can move whole paths, segments of them and/or nodes (where segments connect to each other). If ring regions exist, the neighboring regions are updated automatically after edition.
- There are two more Ring Boundaries edition commands to reshape them:
- An intermediary node can be Added to a path.
- An existing node can be Deleted on a path.
- A ring can be inserted between existing rings or added after the last one (after Ring Analysis is done).
- Ring Regions can be moved and resized.
- It can save individual cell's data (and Ring widths) for Ring Regions (in WinCELL data file's format).
- Ring data (widths, area and more) can be saved in WinDENDRO format inside WinCELL's data files format. This is in addition to the previous WinDENDRO's files format (without individual cell's data).
- When Ring Regions are saved, their Sample Identification name is replaced by a new name made of the Sample Identification name, an unerscore character and the year (eg: Sample1 of year 2017 becomes Sample1_2017). This change was necessary so that files can be processed by XLCell (different analysis regions cannot have the same name).
Commands & Interface Modifications
- When loading an analysed image, the operator can choose to load or not 5 groups of settings (those not loaded are overriden by WinCELL current's settings):
- Path type (to change the path type and update a previously done analysis),
- Calibration,
- Individual measurements settings (to change the length and width method,...),
- Pixels classification,
- Cells distribution graphic settings.
- Some commands can retreive parameters/settings of the Active analysed region for viewing or applying them to other analysed regions.
- Calibration/Pixel Size Method has been redesigned.
- It no more has the option of 1 vs 2 images. It is always 1.
- New Calibration won't load an image, will use current image for calibration.
- Lumen & Wall Distinction was renamed Lumen & Wall Detection and has been redesigned.
- It can retreive parameters/settings of the Active analysed region for viewing or applying them to other analysed regions.
- Its histogram is for the whole image if no Analysed region exists otherwise it is for the active Analysed region.
- Ask to save image after acquisition (in Analysis/Parameters) has been replaced by Save image before acquiring another and has those three differences from the former:
- it will save the analysed image weather it comes from a file or scanner,
- it will be saved after the analysis rather than before,
- it won't ask for a name but simply append "An" to the existing name.
- Modifications to the cells distribution histogram above the image:
- Its data can be saved in a new separate data type lines.
- It can set the horizontal scale automatically.
- Is no more limited to 200 classes (now up to a thousand).
- Its settings are saved in configuration files.
- Keyboard shortcuts have been added:
- Ctrl T, E or R to change the working mode:
Ctrl + T to switch to path Tracing mode.
Ctrl + E to switch to image Edition mode.
Ctrl + R to switch to Region creation mode.
- Ctrl O to Open a new document (Acquire an image from disk or scanner).
- Ctrl S to Save the image.
- Ctrl I to activate the Image/Display Image Area menu command.
- It now starts in Maximize state as a single window (instead of a window inside a window).
- User can choose the thickness of ring boundary and cell paths drawn over the image. Inactive cell paths are drawn thinner rather than dotted.
- The Command area is wider at startup to allow the display of more information and data.
- The Command area's Icons are larger.
- Analysis/Measurements has been separated in two commands (Analysis/Parameters and Analysis/Measurements).
- Save Original Image (With Analysis...) renamed Save Image (With Analysis...).
- Image/Save Displayed Image renamed Misc/Export Displayed Image For Other Programs
- Image/Save Image Region has been removed.
- Speed Memory Feedbacks names shortened.
- Path and analysed regions can be activated in sequential order using the tab key (and reverse order using shift tab). User can choose the thickness of ring boundary and cell paths drawn over the image. Inactive cell paths are drawn thinner rather than dotted.
Other Modifications
- Supports the new LA2400 scanner third generation (introduced in March 2017)
- Modifications to WinCELL data files:
- It saves optional data file title's lines (CELL, HISTO...) only when these data types are saved.
- One more optional title line can be saved, it's the WinDENDRO Title line. It is saved only when such data are saved in WinCELL format files.
Bugs fixes
- Misc/Print Whole Image when zoom was not 1.0, some items were not drawn correctly.
- "Zoom to fit" used to display horizontal lines at some magnifications.
- HISTO data lines, the data saved to files were not correct if 1) Normalised (in Data/Saving Options) was active and 2) Some objects were filtered out during the analysis.
WinCELL 2016a |
Release date: 10 November 2015
- The first WinCELL version made and tested under Windows 10.
- Paths (TouchCenter & Intersect) can now begin and end in a cell or wall.
- Analysed and Exclusion Regions are much faster:
- Free style analysed regions made with the Lasso tool are 62% faster than version 2013.
- Ring analysis is between 37 to 75 times faster than version 2013 (free style regions).
- The right mouse click slider is faster (more responsive).
- Activating, Moving, Resizing an Analysed region is faster.
- Color analysis is faster.
- Ring analysis ring width measurement is more precise.
- The Cell & Wall Distinction command can consider or not exclusion regions (it is much faster in the latter case).
- The coarsiness (resolution) of lasso style regions' boundary is user selectable allowing a tradeoff between spatial precision and analysis speed.
- When deleting all exclusion regions, Analysed regions are reanalysed just once.
- Perimeter measurement is more precise.
- Interface modifications:
- Year Beginning and Ending are no more in the Sample Identification window. They are now in the Path Identification window displayed when a path is traced. They also have been renamed Substitute first wall and Substitute last wall of path. Substitution is required when the first and/or last wall(s) is (are) incomplete or cannot be measured.
- Substituted first and last walls are drawn a different color.
- The Command area is larger at startup to allow the display of more information and data.
- When paths are traced, their name, length and number of cells are displayed in the Command area.
- The analysis progress bar and message is displayed in the center of WinCELL's main window (to avoid hiding the title bar).
- The display of Grouped and Splitted cell's count is off by default the Command area.
Bug fixes:
- WinCELL's MainWindow not visible at startup in very rare situations (easy to overcome by using default settings at startup).
- A situation in which changing the histogram's horizontal axis was very slow when there was very large numbers in its vertical axis.
WinCELL 2015a |
Release date: 24 July 2015
- Color analysis is faster by approximatively 7 to 10 % when no exclusion regions are used. Note that WinCELL 64bit 2015a is 50 to 55% faster than WinCELL 32bit 2013a.
- The Pixels Classification image can now be saved in batch analysis (in addition to the analysed image available in previous versions) to allow for post-processing validation.
- Displayed Images (but not analysed images) can now be saved as jpg.
- Analysed regions exported to a file then imported back will retain their name (instead of having numbers).
- Existing exclusion regions are no more deleted when importing a new set of exclusion regions.
- The analysis progress bar and message is displayed in the center of WinRHIZO's main window (to avoid hiding the title bar)
- A Scale can be drawn in the Image area to show the relative size of the image content.
- At Startup, when Default settings is selected he can choose among those for images acquired with a Scanner and those for images acquired with a camera.
Bug fix:
- Color/Edit Classes is disabled as soon as one analysed region exists.
64-bit versions
- It can now load and save jpg image files.
- It cnow acquirean images from 64-bit TWAIN sources (not from 32-bit TWAIN sources).
WinCELL 2013b |
Release date: 26 August2015
Bug fix:
- A bug that affected measurement of the first and last cell of TouchCenter paths when free style (lasso) or circular analysed regions were used. The wall thickness toward the path end was not always measured correctly.
WinCELL 2013a |
Release date: January 2013
- Analyses are faster than version 2012 (12 % to 53 % faster depending upon if whole image or analysed and exclusions regions are used and their shape).
- Free style (Lasso) Analysed and Exclusion Rgns created interactively are done faster (does not apply to those loaded from files).
- A new 64-bit version is now available (as an option at an extra cost). It can analyse larger images and is faster by 5 to 7 % compared to the new 2013a 32-bit version. It also has some limitations compared to the latter (inquire for details).
- Drawing of analysed cells (identification number, length, width, boundary...) is faster (more noticeable with large images).
- There is now a setting that allows to choose a trade-off between analysis speed and memory consumption.
- Image/Acquisition Parameters has new options for Regent's simple scanning interface:
- Dust/Particle removal filter
- Choice of speed vs. higher quality scans (for very thin or pale roots)
- Sharpen filter
- Use TWAIN Interface has been renamed Use Scanner Manufacturer Interface (TWAIN).
- Default resolutions of 800, 1600, 3200, 9600 replaced by 600, 1200, 2400, 4800
- Modifications to the interface (to make it easier for new user).
- In the welcome screen at startup, the user is offered to choose between two settings, those used the last time and the defaults.
- Analysis/Parameters renamed Measurements.
- Analysis menu has been simplified and now contain the most important commands to the analysis.
- Edit Sample Identification was moved from the Analysis to the Regions menu.
- Pixels classification was moved up in the Analysis menu just below Measurements (to highlight the fact they are closely related) and renamed Lumen & Wall Distinction (to highlight what this command do in less technical terms).
- Data/Data Save Options was renamed Data/Saving Options and its items name slightly modified.
- Calibration/Method was renamed Calibration/Pixel Size Method minor modifications have been done to its design.
- New App and Acquisition icons
- Image edition can only be done in the active Analysed Region. This accelerates the analysis updating when editing just one region.
- After importing a set of Analysed Regions, they are automatically recreated (if an image is loaded before), there is no more need to activate Recreate.
- The TWAIN code has been revised to support new scanners and improve existing ones.
- Calibration with the Object of known size method can be done with a single object in one axis only (instead of requiring 2, one for the horizontal and one for the vertical axis).
Commands removed:
- Display/Channels and sub menu items.
- Allow analysis regions overlapp (they always can).
Bug fixes:
- In Batch/Acquisition Parameters the directory where images are saved now works. Minor modifications to its design
- Image/Save Original Image was active only after an analysis was done, now it is as soon an an images is scanned or loaded (analysed or not).
- Color analysis: Won't allow for more than 12 color classes per group.
WinCELL 2012a |
Availability: May 2012
- It is now possible to define a few exclusion regions and have the analysis updated
only at the end of the last one (rather than after each one).
- Units of the Intrinsic calib method (for images from scanners) can be selected among mm
or cm.
- The display of Color classes, Color groups or Objects color classification is now done by
clicking the Color image selector in the Command Area (the displayed image is changed each
time you click it).
- 48 bits color images can be read (tiff uncompressed), analysed (as 24 bit) and saved.
- The mouse cursor color (in the Image Area) can be changed.
- Analysis/Pixels Classification will no more modify the analysed region. It is provided to
be used before the analysis. After an analysis, the slider (right mouse click) command should
be used instead.
- Minor bug fixes
- Revised manual and new pdf manual.
Availability : December 2011
- WinCELL can now analyse cells per annual ring for one or more rings per image and compute statistics on a yearly basis in WinDENDRO's data format. The latter can be analysed with stem analysis software program such as WinSTEM and XLSTEM.
- This new analysis can be done on regular wood samples (cores or disks) or on woody roots (xylem) from very high resolution images acquired with a scanner or camera with proper magnification and sample preparation to ensure that cells (lumen) have minimal contrasts with their background (lignin).
- Data available per annual ring are numerous and user selectable: Ring width, Ring area, Number of cells, Cells density (Number/unit area), Total area occupied by cells and walls (in units or percentage of ring area), Average cells area, length, width, perimeter, form coefficient and more. A few of these data can be obtained separately per object type (cell, vessel or parenchhyma).
- There can be more than one analysed region per image.
- A set of analysed regions defined on one image can be saved for later recreation on other images.
- Average L/W ratio is calculated per object type (Cell, Vessels, Parenchyma) instead of globally (the 3 types combined).
- There are more options on which information is displayed over the image.
- There is one more path type for Ring based analysis.
- A new XLCell 2011
Bug fixes
- When changing a cell type (CVP) interactively, if it was splitted or merged with other cells the data was not updated.
Warning of a limitation:
- This version cannot read analyses saved in tiff image made with previous versions of WinCELL.
Availability : March 10, 2010
- Objects Length/Width ratio is now measured.
- Debris/Objects filtering can be done on more criteria.
- Minor changes to some command’s interface (Analysis/Parameters redesigned, Analysis/Preferences now with Analysis/Parameters).
- Exclusion regions are now available in the Reg version.
- Regions of Analysis (selections) are now available in the Reg version.
- Sample Identification is done just before the analysis (when you click the image or make a section) rather than at image loading.
- Minor bugs fixes.
Availability : March 10, 2009
- Image loading and saving in tiff files is much faster (±10X). This is most noticeable on large images (50MB and over).
- It can load one more color tiff file format.
- It can load wider images in old tiff format.
- Image display at low zoom magnifications (1/16, 1/32, Fit) is done much faster (±4X).
- The “Fit” zoom magnification will display larger images.
- Right Click Slider (interactive pixels classification adjustment) is faster and work with larger images.
- All functions of the program have been revised/modified to ensure they work with very large images produced by high-end very high resolution scanners and digital cameras.
- Object color group classification % criteria is now precise up to 2 decimal digits.
- It can scan a new image format: bi-level black and white (equivalent to a pixels classified image). The pixels classification is done by the scanner at the scanning stage. Note that this format is not suited for color analysis.
- This is the first version designed for and tested under Windows Vista (but it also works under XP). It has been produced by a different compiler (the latest available) and thus has inherited some enhancements of modern tools built-in (increased capacity or limits of some functions related to maximum image size).
- Analysis is updated when the calibration method or its parameters are changed (while an analysis is displayed on screen).
- Enhanced scanner calibration files. Allow WinCELL to support new scanners (with their positioning system with regard to our simple scanning interface) without modifications to it (no need to release a new version to support a new scanner).
Modifications to the interface:
- The mouse wheel can also be used to scroll the image horizontally (it was working before only in the vertical direction). Press ctrl and roll the mouse wheel to scroll horizontally. Presss shift to scroll faster in both directions.
Modifications to the Command Area:
- Its width can be changed interactively.
- You can right click the mouse in the Command area to set the information displayed there.
- The graphic above the image display status (set with the ShowHide graphic button) is saved and restored at start up.
- Will zoom closer to the mouse cursor location if it is in image area when pressing the “-” or “+” keys.
- The information area above the image will display more accurate information about the active calibration (, file, or none) when it is changed or cancelled.
- Misc. minor changes to the window interface of a few menu commands.
- A third group of objects (in addition to the existing cells and vessels) can be analysed separately by identifying them manually. It can be used for example to analyse parenchyma cells.
- Objects can be manually grouped and analysed as a whole (number of groups, number of objects per group, total and average area, length, width, perimeter...).
- Objects can be manually splitted in two or more parts (for touching objects).
- The analysis can be saved with the image (in standard tiff files). It can automatically be retrieved when an image previously analysed and saved to a tiff file from WinCELL is loaded.
Note: The analysis is accessible only to WinCELL, not to other programs.
- The Average Perimeters and Form coefficient measurements have been added.
- The command to change a cell type is now ctrl + shift + click instead of shift + click.
Exclusion regions
- They can be exported to and imported from files to apply them on different images.
- You can create them without activating menu commands by pressing the shift key and clicking the image.
- They can be activated by clicking them and commands can be applied to the active one (delete it for example).
- The Exclusion menu commands' names have been simplified.
- Exclusion regions content has no more influence on the automatic threshold selection.
Color analysis (Pro version)
- Color analysis is more precise and contains more data. Data for the analysed region and valid objects are available separately.
- The display of the color classes or color groups image is much faster (10X or +).
- Color classes specifications and groups name are saved on each global data line. This allows to track color classes modifications over time when analysing data files.
- White balance calibration is now available for more consistent color analysis of images acquired in different lighting conditions.
- When editing the color of a color group (for display purposes), only the parameters that can be changed are now active.
Pixels classification
- Pixels classification (into lumen and walls) can be modified or specified interactively for regions of any shape or the whole image, before or after the analysis. The process is very interactive and easy. Pixels that falls into the cell (objects) group are drawn a different color over the original image as the pixel classification criteria is modified by moving a slider bar.
- The pixels classification image can be edited (like it was possible for the original image before) to manually classify pixels into cells and background. The analysis is automatically updated when the edition is complete.
- The Pixels classification command has been improved. It now displays a histogram of the grey levels and color channels distribution to help select a threshold. It will also display the result of pixels classification from any method, including Based on color. This command can also be used to modify the classification of an analysed region (or image) after or before the analysis.
- Objects' boundaries are drawn over the image when the perimeter measurement is activated.
- Some commands have been redesigned (Display/Information Content, Sample identification, Data/Save Options and Path Identification). Display/Information content has been split in two commands (one for the command area and one for the image area).
- There are more image zoom magnifications and a fit-to-screen option.
- Flickering when resizing the main window has been removed.
- There are now 18 display information colors that can be changed instead of 12.
- You can specify the RGB components values of display information colors with numbers (in addition to moving the scrollbars).
Other modifications
- The Excluded region width has been renamed Border width (band of excluded pixels around the image) and now also applies to analysed regions (not only to the whole image).
- An option to save analysed images during batch analysis (all or a sub-sample of them for a random verification).
- A new function to remove background light variations for images that come from cameras (Pro version).
- Calibration of images from a camera can be done with a single mouse click when Regent's new calibration targets are included in the image.
- More options are available as to how and when calibration of images from a camera are done (manually or automatically after load). Targets used for calibration can be in the same image as the object to analyse or in separate image(s).
- Grey levels images with more than 8 bits per pixels (up to 16) can be analysed (Pro version).
- When creating a circular analysed or exclusion region, you must move it or resize it otherwise the whole image is selected (similar to when the rectangular and lasso tools regions are made). Also valid for right mouse click threshold adjustment (slider).
- More data and analysis settings information are saved in data files. Global data are now always saved (required to store the color classes definitions).
Bug fix:
- All modifications to colors used to display information are now saved in the cfg files.
XLCELL compatibility:
- Requires XLCell 2007 or more.
Features unique to the Pro version
- You can analyse whole images or sub-regions of them. Circular and rectangular shapes are predefined or you can outline any region of interest with a lasso style tool (you draw the region you want to analyse). You can resize and move analysed regions at any time (the analysis is automatically updated).
- Any region of the image (any shape and number of) can be excluded from the analysis. Excluded regions content have no effect on the analysis (It's as if these regions didn't exist in the image).
- Batch analysis can be done on the whole image or a sub-region of it (of any shape).
- Analysed regions bounding box (the smallest rectangle enclosing them) can be displayed.
- An analysis done with a region of any shape can be recreated after (the region can be recreated in other images to analyse a region of same size, shape and position in the image).
- The histogram above the image can display area per color classes or groups.
- You can display a single color channel (Red, Green or Blue) of an RGB color image and analyse only that channel. You can also analyse the image in color as before or in true grey levels (calculated from the color components).
- Color/Display Groups Rather Than Classes has been renamed Color/Display Groups.
Features common to the Reg and Pro versions
- Three new automatic lumen measurement modes in radial and longitudinal directions have been added.
- Walls can be measured automatically and save into CELL data lines.
- Any image used in the analysis can be saved (Pixels Classification Image, Analysed Image, Color Classes Image and Color Groups Image).
- Image edition is more precise and a few minor annoyances have been removed (white brush, small brush, image zoom...).
- You can click the custom selected color for image edition in the command area (lower left corner) to change it (works when the working mode is in Image Edition and that the selected color is the Grey or custom color).
- The histogram above image has been redesigned and improved. The classes boundaries can be set more easily.
- Calibration can be done in one or two images.
- User can choose not to reject cell truncated by image boundary.
- WinCELL can automatically switch to interactive measurement mode after automatic analysis.
- The analysed image has more color encoded information (the color used to indicate if an object is a cell, vessel, debris, cut by image boundary...).
- Lumen perimeter and form coefficient measurements have been added.
- You can choose to display or not any measurement data in the command area (per measurement).
- Cells bounding box (the smallest rectangle enclosing them) can be displayed.
- TWAIN compatibility with recent cameras and scanners has been added.
- New and improved manual.
- New protection key.
- Paths related commands
- A new path type to measure individual cells or vessels manually.
- Paths can be terminated with a menu command (instead of double click).
- Paths can be “prolonged” at any time after they have been created.
- A path segment can be deleted right after it has been created (and the path creation can be stopped or continued).
- The last deleted path can be recreated.
- Cell width is now measured with Touch/Centre path.
- The junctions between segments of Intersect paths are more precise.
- More paths can be created.
- Modifications to improve paths measurements (cells truncated by image boundary will be considered as lumen).
- Touch/Centre Paths with only one cell can be analysed.
- Intersect paths divide all walls by two and save their data identically to Touch/Centre paths so they can be used for dendrometry or dendrochronology applications.
Minor modifications
- Will ask to save color classes before quitting the program if they have been created or modified but not saved during the working session.
- About command has been moved to Help menu.
- Analysis/Cell Background & Color Analysis has been renamed Analysis/Pixels Classification and has been redesigned and simplified.
- Minor display or printing bugs have been removed.
- Sample identification is no more asked during calibration.
- Units are displayed close to the mouse position coordinates.
- Analysis/Reanalyse Image has been renamed Analysis/Restart Analysis.
- Minor modifications to the data file format. Information about the image acquisition device is stored and two columns have been merged.
- Image selection working mode has been removed.
- Sample identification can be edited during or after the analysis.
- Text size is medium size by default instead of small.
- Rejected cells area is displayed in calibration units not in pixels when these cells are clicked.
- Color group names (Group1, Group2...) are no more saved in the data file title line when color classes are loaded or defined.
- Display/Information Over Image has been renamed Display/Information Content.
- Path/Path Creation Parameters command has been redesigned.
- Individual cell area has been renamed Individual Analysis in Analysis/Parameters.
- Cell length and width has been renamed Length and width in Analysis/Parameters.
- A warning asking you to confirm your intention is displayed when deleting all paths or all exclusion regions. The display of this warning can be turned off.
- The area of the analysed region (of any shape) is saved with the data and displayed on screen.
Bug fixes:
- Paths from right to left or bottom to top directions.
- After changing the cell type from vessel to cell and vice versa, the global data are now updated as they should.
- The august 30th version removes a crash situation which occured after working with the program for a while in some pre-release versions 2004a.
- Images can be printed or saved to a bmp file with or without the analysis marks over them. The graphic above the image can also be included.
- Analyses are approximately four times as fast as with earlier versions (depending on which analyses are active).
- You can edit images with any color of your choice. Pick up a color in an image simply by clicking it, and use it to edit the image.
- The edition brushes are round instead of rectangular.
- Help information is displayed when the mouse is held over the controls (Tooltips).
- The Analysis/Threshold command has been redesigned and merged with Color/Color Analysis Parameters.
- Edition buttons in the command area are now hidden when they cannot be used (they are visible only when the image edition mode is active).
- It can open and analyze more image files (it will now accept more variations of the same formats).
- The "About WinCELL" window now identifies the version model (Basic, Reg or Pro) which is running.
- Some image edition flaws have been eliminated (drawing strokes were temporarily lost after window resize or activation).
- Average wall thickness is saved into path data lines instead of total wall thickness.
- It can analyze images with a greater number of objects. Earlier versions may have crashed when the number of objects was too high (several thousand). The exact number depends on the object shape complexity.
- The computer CPU is no longer utilized at 100% while CELL is idle.
- Memory leak problem solved with Analysis/Reanalyse image.
- Minor improvements with jpeg images loading. New dll required.
- Batch analysis directory selection has been improved.
- Batch analysis is now done on all images stored in a folder (all supported format rather than a single one).
- Pause before analysis is always on.
- The manuals have been merged and improved significantly.
- Batch acquisition has been redesigned.
- Analysis/Parameters and Analysis/Measurements have been merged.
- Undo edition has been moved to the Display menu.
- Images are no more flipped vertically. The top of the image on screen corresponds to the top of the imaged area of the camera or scanner.
- A bug with Touch-Centre path has been removed. Cells which had a spot classified as wall inside the cell on the line used to define the path were saved twice on data path lines.
- A bug with Ending Year (in the sample identification window) has been removed. It occasionally crashed the program.
- This version does not work under Windows 95.
Previous version was 5.6d (July 24th, 2000) |