WinRHIZO is a complete plant root measurement and analysis systems for agricultural and forestry research.
Image Analysis for Plant Science
Regent Instruments Inc. since 1991




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The WinRHIZO program is offered in 4 versions (Basic, Regular, Pro & Arabidopsis). The table below lists and explains the measurements and features offered by each one.

WinRHIZO Basic
WinRHIZO Arabidopsis

WinRHIZO Basic is a low cost entry level version. It produces only global measurements (average root diameter, total root length, area, volume and number of tips).


WinRHIZO Regular has all features of the Basic model plus root morphology measurement as a function of user definable diameter classes. A root (length, area, volume) distribution graphic is automatically generated and is visible above the image.


WinRHIZO Pro has all features of the Regular version plus link, topology, architecture and color analyses. The color analysis can produce root morphology as a function of color. It can also be used as a color area meter.


WinRHIZO Arabidopsis has all features of the Pro version plus the ability to separate and analyse separately individual objects such as seedlings and leaves. It can do multiple root analyses per analysed image or regions of it.


Note : It is possible to upgrade from a low to a high-end version at any time by paying the difference in cost between them.


Basic Reg Pro Arabido
Root morphology
Root & Segment Length, Average Diameter, Projected Area, Surface Area and Volume.
Diameter interpolation & precision setting
Choose the level of precision for diameter measurement.
Interactive measurements & modifications (manual Nodules counter)
Count Nodules, add missing roots or modify tips, crossings and forks detection.
Tennant's method
Root length measured by tennant's statistical method.
Link analysis
Measures root segment (between two forks or fork and node) morphology (length, area, average diameter, surface area, volume…)
Topology, Magnitude, Path Length, Altitude, External Path Length & Developmental analyses
Root segments connectivity in growth order (main, laterals…), topological classification (EE, EI, II…) and more.
Axis morphology (length, surface area, projected area & volume)
An axis is a series of connected root links of the same order.
Fractals can be calculated from the original (scanned) or detected roots images.
Color analysis
For root detection & root morphology (length, area, average diameter, surface area, volume…) quantification per color. Can also be used to distinguish roots from background.
Distinct objets distinction, counting and analysis
Can distinguish, count and measure area, root morphology and color in distinct non-touching objects such as small seedlings.
Basic Reg Pro Arabido
XLRhizo software
For data produced by WinRHIZO visualisation and analysis in Excel.
Measurements visible over the images
Lines indicates where and how roots were measured.
Rectangular Analysis & Exclusion Regions
Choose the region of the image to analyse or exclude it (rectangular form).
Root recovery and increased sensitivity
To detect more roots (when they are pale mostly).
Fork detection sensitivity adjustment
Sometimes helps the analysis (link, topology and developmental analyses mostly).
Defects plus debris automatic filtering & Image smoothing
Based on different criteria (area, morphology and for the Pro version color). Sometimes helps the analysis (link, topology and developmental analyses mostly).
Root skeleton over the image same color as diameter class
Lines traced over the roots are same color as the diameter class in the root distribution hisstogram to indicate their local diameter classification.
Bath analysis
Analyse images in lots without operator supervision. Does not work for Topology and Developmental analyses.
Pre-defined set of analysed regions
Automatically create analysed regions at specific vertical positions in the image.
Image edition
To remove artefacts, debris or defects, add missing roots or modify tips, crossings and forks detection.
Multiple documents (working window)
Analyse up to 16 samples simultaneously in different WinRHIZO's main window.
Histogram of roots distribution in function of diameter
Displays roots morphological data (length, surface area, volume…) in function of diameter.
Histogram of roots morphology or color areas distribution in function of color
Displays root morphology or area distribution in function of color.
Circular & Free style Exclusion Regions
Choose the region of the image to analyse or exclude it (circular or irregular shape).
Automatic background detection
For images acquired with a camera when background doesn't cover the whole image.
Optional data saving
Choose to save or not more detailed data (for Fracatals, link, axis and color analyses).